Using CLI To Configure Codefresh And Create And Manage Kubernetes Pipelines

Using CLI To Configure Codefresh And Create And Manage Kubernetes Pipelines

Oct 28, 2020

Have you tried using Codefresh CLI to configure and operate Codefresh?

UIs are great as a learning experience, but using them is slow, prone to errors, hard to reproduce, and results in hard-to-document processes. Writing code and scripts to accomplish the same results is a sign of maturity and experience. It is proof that we are capable of working in a team while also being an expert. Let's see how we can use everything-as-code and CLI to configure, create, and observe a fully operational Kubernetes pipeline in Codefresh.

00:00 Intro
01:53 Setting Up The Scene
03:26 Setting Up The Kubernetes Prerequisites
05:08 Adding Kubernetes Config
07:19 Adding Git Context
09:15 Creating A Project
10:12 Creating A Pipeline
13:39 Running Pipeline Builds And Observing Logs
17:02 Outro

Samurais Do NOT Use UIs: Using CLI To Configure Codefresh And Create And Manage Kubernetes Pipelines:

Gist with commands:


Codefresh CLI Installation:

Applying GitOps And Continuous Delivery (CD) On Infrastructure Using Terraform and Codefresh:

Installing Windows Subsystem For Linux (WSL):