Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

October 2023

GitKraken Client 9.9 Release: Cloud Patches, Snooze & Pin, & more

It’s like passing a note in class, but with code! GitKraken Client 9.9 is here (and it’s a big one) with exciting features like Cloud Patches, which introduces a new way to share code, jump-start features, and fix issues without the hassle of pull requests. Plus, enhance your Focus View with Pinning & Snoozing options, and enjoy a more customizable commit graph.

Utilizing Synthetic Testing in Networking (Synthetic Network Testing)

Network performance is the lifeblood of modern enterprises, underpinning everything from communication to data transfer, and even the smooth functioning of mission-critical applications. A single glitch can lead to downtime, productivity losses, and dissatisfied users. This is where synthetic testing steps into the spotlight as an invaluable tool for ensuring your network's reliability and resilience.

In engineering, DON'T BUILD FAST: Bill Kennedy - The Reliability Podcast

The Reliability podcast aims to speak with engineers who have worked on large, complex systems and glean through their learnings. What best practices should one imbibe? What are non-negotiable learnings to become better at a craft? What’s ‘engineering’ going to be like with the advent of AI? We answer these and more tracing personal journeys of engineers who have built stellar careers around decoding the innumerable intricacies of software engineering.

Runbook vs. Playbook: Meaning, Differences, and Uses

It’s exhausting, right? Having to repeat instructions or answer the same questions whenever your incident response teams experience a problem. At first, it may have been exciting — it was fulfilling to answer these questions and help your teams solve minor security alerts. You were the hero! You went ahead and documented all this information. But as your company grew and your attention was needed in other areas, these questions and issues started to lengthen incident response time.

Planning and Baselining a Migration to Azure SQL

A migration from on-premises SQL Server to Azure SQL offers many customers a number of advantages. It can enable scalability, reduce costs, enhance security, ensure high availability, and simplifies maintenance. Many organizations are looking to equivalent cloud services to move on-prem workloads such as SQL databases to the cloud, freeing themselves from the overheads of purchasing, configuring and maintaining physical hardware and infrastructure.

Enterprise Chaos Engineering Certification Prep Session

Demonstrate your reliability expertise, increase your visibility, and advance your career with a Gremlin Enterprise Chaos Engineering certification. Chaos Engineering continues to grow in popularity and is rapidly becoming a job requirement for Engineering teams focused on reliability. In this webinar, Sr. Reliability Specialist Andre Newman goes over the mindset shifts, best practices, and key information you need to prep for your certification.

On-Prem vs Colo vs. Cloud vs. Hybrid: How to Choose

With the ever-increasing demand for digital services, organizations face the questions of how will they keep up and where will they store and access their data and applications. The evolution of hosting options from on-premise infrastructure to colocation, cloud, and hybrid deployments has provided a diverse set of choices for organizations, and it is critical to select the option that best suits your unique needs.

Observability-OSS vs Paid vs Managed OSS with Hosted Graphite

Observability is a critical aspect of modern software development and infrastructure management. It involves the ability to gain insights into the internal workings of your systems, applications, and services through monitoring and collecting relevant data. With the increasing complexity of technology stacks and the need for real-time visibility, observability has become a fundamental requirement for businesses across various industries.