Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

March 2024

How to allow non owner (users) to create Rollbar projects

Discover, predict, and resolve errors in real-time. Go beyond crash reporting, error tracking, logging and error monitoring. Get instant and accurate alerts — plus a real-time feed — of all errors, including unhandled exceptions. Our automation-grade grouping uses machine learning to reduce noise and gives you error signals you can trust.

How to Implement Cookie Consent Management (Consent Mode v2) for Free

If your website is visited by users from the European Economic Area or the United Kingdom, you must obtain their consent not only to collect their data but also to store cookies in their browsers. Consent applies not only to cookies used by your site but also to third-party cookies – such as Google Analytics.

Data Chaos MUST Be Curbed, but How?

My introduction to the world of data science was writing anomaly detection for a SIEM that catered to banks and credit unions. Some of these places were running on 50-year-old IBM core banking servers — meaning that someone trying to turn off a light in a server room could take down an entire bank with a literal flip of the wrong switch. While some companies take their time updating infrastructure, others still embody the move-fast-and-break-things philosophy of the early dot-com era giants.

Continual Learning in AI: How It Works & Why AI Needs It

Like humans, machines need to continually learn from non-stationary information streams. While this is a natural skill for humans, it’s challenging for neural networks-based AI machines. One inherent problem in artificial neural networks is the phenomenon of catastrophic forgetting. Deep learning researchers are working extensively to solve this problem in their pursuit of AI agents that can continually learn like humans.

Introducing Charmed MongoDB

Introducing Charmed MongoDB – Canonical’s enterprise-grade MongoDB database offering. Charmed MongoDB simplifies the operations of MongoDB applications through automation, security, scalability, availability and monitoring. Charmed MongoDB is the cost-effective, reliable, secure and scalable way to use MongoDB on any cloud, hybrid cloud or on-premise. It also provides additional support, managed services, and expert services, so enterprises can run MongoDB in production at a lower cost, bug-free and in the most optimised way.

Ubuntu AI | S2E4 | AI on public cloud: what should you know?

Weka report from 2024 showed that 47% of respondents will use the public cloud as the primary place to develop their machine learning projects. This is a result of a correlation of factors which include the need for compute power, easy scalability, and the ability to utilise existing infrastructure already in place on both hybrid clouds and public clouds. Join us to talk more about AI on the public cloud: what are the main benefits and what are the best practices an organisation could implement in order to easier adopt AI and leverage the most the public clouds.

Network Technician Guide: Key Roles, Tools, and Career Growth

In the ever-evolving landscape of the digital era, the backbone of our interconnected world is woven together by an intricate web of networks. Behind the scenes, ensuring the seamless operation of these networks are the unsung heroes known as network technicians. These skilled professionals wield their network toolkits to maintain, troubleshoot, and optimize the complex systems that keep our data flowing and communications thriving.

Advantages of an AI-Powered Observability Pipeline

The expenses associated with collecting, storing, indexing, and analyzing data have become a considerable challenge for organizations. This data is growing as fast as 35% a year, multiplying the problems. This surge in data comes with a corresponding rise in infrastructure costs. These costs often force organizations to make decisions about what data they can afford to analyze, which tools they must use, and how and where to store data for long-term retention.

7 Key Takeaways from HIMSS 2024

The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) conference serves as a beacon for the healthcare industry, showcasing the latest innovations and trends that shape the future of healthcare. In 2024, HIMSS once again brought together industry leaders, innovators, and stakeholders to explore the transformative potential of technology in healthcare. In this blog, we will delve into the significant trends, challenges, and insights that have surfaced during our three days at HIMSS in Orlando.

Discovering the 24 Best Comprehensive Network Visibility Tools

In today's world, networks are crucial for businesses to communicate and share data smoothly. But keeping networks running well and staying ahead of performance issues can be tricky. That's where network visibility tools come in handy. These tools give a complete view of a network, helping IT pros see everything that's happening and fix any issues quickly.