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March 2024

Share code with anyone, anywhere! #GitKraken #CloudPatches

Got a WIP change that you'd love an extra set of eyes on? 👀 Instead of submitting a PR and cluttering up the commit history, throw it in a Cloud Patch with GitKraken Client. ☁️ Describe what you're working on, share the link, and bam! 💥 You can collaborate early on, setting the stage for a smoother pull request later down the line. 🔁

What Dynatrace doesn't want you to know about Cisco Full-stack Observability and AppDynamics

Cisco Full-Stack Observability is a strategic investment that outshines Dynatrace by incorporating AI-driven insights, full-stack visibility, and a future-proof design that adapts to your evolving business needs. Application experience is the heart of your digital business, so choosing the right observability platform is not just a technical decision — it’s strategic.

How an All-in-One AI Advisor Enables IT Teams to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Ever since generative AI burst into public consciousness, business executives and IT leaders have been intrigued by the potential of generative AI to transform IT. As it turns out, generative AI has already begun revolutionizing ITOps and we are excited to be at the forefront of this game-changing technology through the ScienceLogic SL1 Hollywood release.

Frontend Debugging Is Bad and it Should Feel Bad

There’s a sentence that strikes fear into the heart of every frontend developer I've ever met: Users are reporting issues, and we don't know how to replicate them. What do you do when that happens? Do you cry? Do you mark the issue as wontfix and move on? Personally, I took the road less traveled: gave up frontend engineering and moved into product management (this is not actually accurate but it's a good joke and it feels truthy).

Six Compelling Reasons to Choose SolarWinds Every Day, Every Time

Technology investments in today’s digital economy are crucial in achieving your business goals and gaining a competitive edge. As business strategies evolve and technology advances, IT environments are becoming increasingly complex and hybrid while budgets remain stagnant. Choosing the right solution to manage your technology stack is vital to deliver superior application experiences and meet your performance, availability, and operational requirements.

How to use Tailscale for gRPC authentication in Golang

Friends of this blog know that I am a big fan of building internal tools, or as we call them, "tools that help scale people". As the name suggests, internal tools are used, well, internally and as such usually will require their access to be restricted to the company's staff and network. In the past, I've written about how to use Tailscale for authentication of internal tools using HTTP. In this post, I will show you how to use Tailscale for gRPC authentication in Golang.

Tracking Custom Metrics in Python with AppSignal

We have improved our custom metrics offering with two recent Python releases. In release 1.1.1 of our Python package, we added the add_distribution_value helper, and in version 1.2.0, we added support for minutely probes, so you can measure the distribution of key data points in your Python application. In this blog post, we'll show you how to set up custom metrics in your Python application to gain valuable insights without sifting through logs or querying databases.

Will AI Make Our Social Life Better?

In an era marked by unprecedented technological advancement, the question of how artificial intelligence (AI) will shape our social lives looms large. As society becomes increasingly interconnected through digital mediums, understanding the implications of AI on human interactions is paramount. Leveraging a plethora of studies and trends, this article seeks to provide a comprehensive analysis of whether AI will indeed make our social lives better.

Mastering the Art of Twitch Expert Tips for Gaining More Views on Your Livestreams

Twitch is a well-known live-streaming platform that allows content creators to speak with a participatory audience. Every month, it has accumulated more than 140 million users at this point. You can share content on Twitch that ranges from gaming to music, and after you get a greater number of viewers and Twitch views, you will be able to monetize the stuff that you share.

Leveraging LLM/Gen-AI for Accelerating Left-Shift Operations Transformation

In today’s digital landscape, delivering a flawless customer experience is the ultimate competitive advantage. However, traditional methods of ensuring service resilience during operation can often be both expensive and cumbersome to maintain. This is where left-shift operations come into play—a powerful strategy aimed at instilling quality and resiliency in the early stages of building and delivering high-quality products and services..

SOC 2 and Cloud Security: What You Need to Know

You've probably heard of SOC 2 if you work in tech, but do you really understand what it is? In short, SOC 2 compliance is an auditing procedure that checks how companies store customer data in the cloud. It makes sure your data stays private and secure. This blog further breaks down what SOC 2 means, who needs it, and how companies get certified.