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Chaos Engineering

Leaving the Nest: Guidelines, guardrails, and human error by Laura Santamaria Failover Conf 2021

When we talk about reliable systems, we talk a lot about human error. Human error in an incident or a bug report is often treated with a bit of a facepalm reaction. The term masks a lot of scenarios from accidents to exhaustion to everything in between. However, human error helps us understand where our processes failed and how we can prevent the same error from happening again. In short, we need to think in terms of a framework of guidelines and guardrails. In this short talk, let’s discuss how guidelines like runbooks and guardrails like automation can help us address the fact that everyone will, at some point, make mistakes.

Implementing DevSecOps in the DoD by Nicolas Chaillan Failover Conf 2021

Delivering software quickly and securely is important for every organization, but it's even more important at the US Department of Defence (DoD) where reliability directly impacts national security. Nicolas Chaillan (Chief Software Officer, US Air Force) will discuss the DoD Enterprise DevSecOps Initiative—an initiative he leads along with the DOD’s Chief Information Officer that brings automated software tools, services and standards to DoD programs. He'll also share about Platform One, the Air Force's DoD-wide DevSecOps Enterprise Level Service that provides managed IT services capabilities, on-boarding, support, and baked-in zero trust security. This insight from operating at the most rigorous level will help you level up your own organization.

Pragmatic Incident Response: Lessons learned from failures by Robert Ross Failover Conf 2021

Incident response is overwhelming. So where do you start? There's a lot of advice out there, but it's mostly theories that aren't taking reality into account. So how do you get a process in place that actually works and scales? In this session, FireHydrant CEO and Co-Founder, Robert Ross, will share quick stories from his experience as an SRE and what tips he’s learned along the way.

Whats Next for DevOps by Emily Freeman  Failover Conf 2021

For over a decade, the DevOps movement has been using cultural change to power technological transformation and help companies deliver better products faster and more reliably. While many organizations have embraced this change and reaped the benefits, it hasn't come without challenges and many more remain. In this session, Emily Freeman (author of DevOps for Dummies) shares what's next for DevOps and how it will impact your organization.

The Evolution of Observability and Monitoring panel discussion Failover Conf 2021

Observability and monitoring are critical to detecting and troubleshooting problems to build more reliable applications. As our systems become increasingly complex, our tools for getting this crucial visibility and the way we respond need to evolve too. We'll sit down with SRE leaders to discuss the processes they use to get the most insight into their applications, how they've increase the speed of detection and response, and what organizations need to do to stay on top of growing complexity.

The Evolution of Teams & Culture panel discussion Failover Conf 2021

The most successful organizations are the ones that embrace change and use it to become stronger and more resilient. In this panel discussion, we'll talk with engineering leaders about how they adapted to the challenges of 2020, what successes (and failures) they've seen, and where the future of reliable engineering teams is headed.

Announcing Services Discovery for tracking and improving service reliability

Gremlin helps teams proactively improve the reliability of their systems by running chaos experiments on infrastructure including hosts, containers, and Kubernetes clusters. But as microservice-based architectures and automated cloud platforms become the norm, engineers are shifting their focus from managing infrastructure to managing services. In order to keep these services as resilient as possible, they need tools that can help them find failure modes, reduce incidents, and improve availability.

Chaos Engineering in 60 seconds - Attack a service

Learn how to run a chaos experiment on a distributed service using Services Discovery in Gremlin. Gremlin is the enterprise Chaos Engineering platform on a mission to help build a more reliable internet. Their solutions turn failure into resilience by offering engineers a fully hosted SaaS platform to safely experiment on complex systems, in order to identify weaknesses before they impact customers and cause revenue loss.

Announcing Services Discovery for tracking and improving service reliability

Gremlin announces Services Discovery for tracking and improving the reliability of distributed services. Gremlin is the enterprise Chaos Engineering platform on a mission to help build a more reliable internet. Their solutions turn failure into resilience by offering engineers a fully hosted SaaS platform to safely experiment on complex systems, in order to identify weaknesses before they impact customers and cause revenue loss.

Announcing role based access control for API keys for more control over automation

Today, Gremlin is excited to announce the ability to create an API key that can perform actions with the same set of permissions as your user account. This allows you to automate Gremlin tasks safely and securely.