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How Clubhouse.io used Objective-C + the Sentry React Native Integration for Post-Launch Error Tracking

In A Comedy of Errors, we talk to engineers about the weirdest, worst, and most interesting application and infrastructure issues they’ve encountered (and resolved) over the years. This week, we hear from Eli Perkins, Mobile Engineer at Clubhouse. Clubhouse is a project management platform that makes it simple for software teams to relate how their everyday tasks are contributing towards a larger goal.

How Wix Supports TDD with their TestKit for Sentry's Raven SDK

Ziv Levy, Software Engineer at Wix (a Sentry customer), recently faced two challenges: simulating a bug in Wix code and testing report data. His recent blog post, Meet Raven TestKit: Wix Engineering’s Open Source Tool to Test Sentry Reports, dices into how a plugin for Sentry’s Raven SDK helped him tackle those challenges, with specific documentation detailing what made the choice so simple. Read the post below, and then go try Raven TestKit for yourself (please, and thank you).

How Droplr Uses Sentry to Debug Serverless Applications

Antoni Orfin, Chief Architect at Droplr, has years of hands-on experience building scalable web applications that serve traffic for millions of users across the globe. His journey started with bare-metal infrastructures. Then, he dove deep into cloud. Today, he’s responsible for making things run smoothly on state-of-the-art serverless architecture at Droplr.