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3 Straightforward Pros and Cons of Datadog for Log Analytics

Observability is a key pillar for today’s cloud-native companies. Cloud elasticity and the emergence of microservices architectures allow cloud native companies to build massively scalable architectures but also exponentially increase the complexity of IT systems.

A Deep Dive into Multi-Model Databases: Hype vs. Reality

In 2009, as the world became increasingly data-driven, organizations began to accumulate vast amounts of data — a period that would later be characterized as the Big Data revolution. While most organizations were used to handling well-structured data in relational databases, this new data was appearing more and more frequently in semi-structured and unstructured data formats.
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3 Reasons Why You Need an Embedded, Modern Database

Today's applications demand efficient data handling to provide users with seamless experiences. One solution that has gained prominence is the use of embedded databases, which are integrated within applications rather than relying on external servers. Different from a database for embedded systems, databases embedded within applications offer several advantages for storing data and analyzing it, especially in scenarios where performance, deployment simplicity, and data security are important. Embedded databases, or an embedded database management system (DBMS), can serve a variety of use cases, but are especially valuable for applications that need to provide analytics capabilities.

Best Practices for Effective Log Management

Can following log management best practices help organizations with their overall observability, as well as troubleshooting issues and security analytics? Absolutely. In addition, following log management best practices can provide significant competitive advantages when it comes to understanding your users. Centralized log management can help your team accelerate time to insights, and make changes to your applications that improve the user experience.

5 Multi-cloud Data Management Best Practices You Should Follow

A multi-cloud approach helps organizations avoid vendor lock-in, leverage the best available technologies, and reduce costs - but it can also result in added complexity when it comes to centralizing, securing, and analyzing data from cloud applications and services. This blog highlights 5 multi-cloud data management best practices that can help you make the most of your data in multi-cloud environments.
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Buyer Beware! Three Challenges with Elasticsearch and OpenSearch

Elasticsearch and OpenSearch are powerful enterprise search and analytics engines that have become popular in the world of data management and telemetry analysis. Their ability to swiftly search, analyze, and visualize data has made them indispensable for businesses and organizations. However, in this blog, we will explore a few key challenges faced by companies using Elasticsearch and OpenSearch, shedding light on important considerations when selecting the right tool for your needs.

A Simplified Guide to Kubernetes Monitoring

The open-source Kubernetes platform has become the de facto standard for deploying, managing, and scaling containerized services and workloads. In fact, 83% of DevOps teams are using Kubernetes to deploy containerized applications in production, taking advantage of its workload orchestration and automation capabilities to optimize the software development process and reduce web server provisioning costs.

5 Elasticsearch Disadvantages You Should Know

Since its initial release in 2010, Elasticsearch has grown into the most popular enterprise search engine with use cases that range from web crawling and website search to application performance monitoring and security log analytics. But despite its widespread adoption and success, Elasticsearch does have some notable disadvantages that you should consider - especially if you’re envisioning a high-scale deployment with a large amount of daily ingestion.

6 Reasons Your Data Lake Isn't Working Out

Since the data lake concept emerged more than a decade ago, data lakes have been pitched as the solution to many of the woes surrounding traditional data management solutions, like databases and data warehouses. Data lakes, we have been told, are more scalable, better able to accommodate widely varying types of data, cheaper to build and so on. Much of that is true, at least theoretically.
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SIEM Logging for Enterprise Security Operations and Threat Hunting

Today's enterprise networks are diverse and complex. Rather than the simple network perimeter of old, bad actors can attack through multiple entry points, including cloud-based applications. Not to mention, these networks generate massive amounts of transactional data. Because enterprise networks have become larger, they're more difficult to secure and manage. As a result, IT operations teams and security analysts seek better ways to deal with the massive influx of information to improve security and observability.