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What is a sovereign cloud?

In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud computing, the concept of a sovereign cloud has recently emerged in response to data management challenges. As governments increasingly recognise the importance of safeguarding their data, ensuring compliance with local regulations, and asserting digital autonomy, sovereign cloud solutions have gained prominence. This blog will explore this concept in detail.

Understanding roles in software operators

As we’ve seen throughout this series, a design pattern is a general solution that has been proven to solve a repeatedly occurring problem when designing software. In my previous blog posts, we examined the basics of the software operator design pattern, the forces impacting it, and the advantages and disadvantages of using it. But how does the software operator pattern actually work?

AI in 2024 - What does the future hold?

2023 was an epic year for artificial intelligence. In a year when industry raced faster than academia in machine learning (source), the state of the art for AI evolved to include increasingly larger amounts of data, and bringing to bear sufficient computing resources to support new use cases remained a challenge for many organisations. With the rise of AI, concerns were not far behind.

OpenStack with Sunbeam for small-scale private cloud infrastructure

Whenever it comes to a small-scale private cloud infrastructure project roll-out, organisations usually face a serious dilemma. The implementation process often seems complex due to a lack of knowledge, tricky migrations and an immediate need from management to run various extensions, such as Kubernetes, on top.

Ubuntu Confidential VMs on Azure: Introducing Ephemeral OS disks & vTPMs

As the adoption of confidential computing continues to grow, customers expect their confidential workloads to be strongly separated from their underlying cloud providers. To better align with these user requirements, Canonical is excited to announce ephemeral OS disks for Ubuntu confidential VMs (CVMs) on Microsoft Azure – a new solution that enables you to store disks on your VM’s OS cache disk or temp/resource disk, without needing to save to any remote Azure Storage.

Canonical Kubernetes 1.29 is now generally available

A new upstream Kubernetes release, 1.29, is generally available, with significant new features and bugfixes. Canonical closely follows upstream development, harmonising our releases to deliver timely and up-to-date enhancements backed by our commitment to security and support – which means that MicroK8s 1.29 is now generally available as well and Charmed Kubernetes 1.29 will join shortly.

Canonical joins the OpenAirInterface Software Alliance

Canonical announced today that it has joined the board of the OpenAirInterface Software Alliance (OSA) as a Strategic Member. By working together, both organisations aim to develop an end-to-end, open source and open API wireless software stack, and to deliver turnkey solutions for customers and partners.

Performance engineering on Ubuntu leaps forward with frame pointers by default in Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

Ubuntu’s long standing reputation for performance is rooted in our commitment to delivering the latest code, kernels and compilers. This commitment ensures that developers have access to the fastest and most secure environment for their applications. Today Canonical is raising the bar for performance and observability in all of our products.

Introducing Canonical's new open source support portal

Amplifying the global impact of open source is at the heart of Canonical’s mission. Support is a crucial part of this exciting journey, especially when it comes to helping enterprises, institutions and communities around the world solve real-world problems through their IT infrastructure and applications. Working with thousands of global customers in a variety of use cases, our support team delivers fixes on everything open source, both Canonical-maintained projects and others.

End of year review: Ubuntu Desktop in 2023

As 2023 draws to a close, it’s time to look back on the evolution of Ubuntu Desktop over the last twelve months. The philosopher Gary Barlow once wrote “we’ve come so far, and we’ve reached so high, and we’ve looked each day and night in the eye”. These words certainly resonate in the context of our most recent Ubuntu releases.