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What happens when you free DevOps pros from cost management?

If you’re under pressure to improve your users’ digital experiences, from ecommerce to delivering public services, you’re probably painfully aware that legacy approaches to delivering software applications and features just don’t cut it. One of the key solutions to both legacy organizations and startups that addresses that shortfall is DevOps. Why? The clue is in the name.

Map cloud security risks and visualize anomalies with Spot Security

One of the biggest challenges in using cloud infrastructure is the ever-increasing noise in cloud security. Therefore, it is now more important than ever to create focused risk visibility for your critical business units and business-critical applications (a.k.a. “crown jewels”). However, creating visibility in silos does not sufficiently address the above problem.

Introducing Spot Connect: Your low-code cloud workflow automation

It’s only been a few years, and cloud-native practices are not offbeat anymore. As reliance on the cloud increases, so do the difficulties of managing complex cloud operations. The dramatic shift to cloud services has given birth to many functional verticals and their “uni-dimensional” products. And as more of these “best of breed” products proliferate, the silo problem gets magnified. This is where Spot by NetApp is delivering a comprehensive, unified CloudOps portfolio.

Azure Stateful Node is now in General Availability

We are excited to announce that Azure Stateful Node is now in General Availability. This unique, proprietary development follows the ongoing success of AWS Stateful Node and the increasing demand from our customers working in Azure. With Azure Stateful Node, Spot by NetApp’s customers can now run their stateful compute workloads on Azure with up to 90% immediate cost reduction and maximum availability.

Ocean for Apache Spark: Now available to all Spot customers

As the size and frequency of data pipelines scale, organizations are constantly looking for ways to reduce costs and more efficiently utilize their data infrastructure. As the leading managed platform for Spark on Kubernetes, we’ve helped several customers make the decision to move their Spark workloads to Ocean for Apache Spark, taking advantage of strategic spot instance selection, flexible pod configurations, and resource utilization tools that can correct overprovisioning.

Cluster orientation: The cost-availability sweet spot

When organizations deploy clusters — in, for example, Dev or Production environments — they may have different objectives around cost and availability. Dev clusters usually can tolerate more interruptions, as they are not running live services, but the expectation is saving money at the expense of availability.

Provision and manage Elastigroup with the new AWS Quickstart Guide

Elastigroup, Spot by NetApp’s first product and core technology, can now be easily provisioned and managed as an AWS Quickstart Guide, created in collaboration with the AWS QuickStart team. Elastigroup for AWS is an IaaS Optimization platform in which the user can provision, manage, and scale EC2 instances to support any elastic application or load balanced workload while leveraging multiple instance–purchasing options.

Spot Ocean CD is now live for all Spot users

With frequent software changes for hundreds of services over multiple environments, even a small change made by a developer can generate an unexpected blast radius in production. The standard Kubernetes deployment strategy ignores this modern complexity layer. DevOps organizations that maintain complex solutions have already understood that it’s not scalable and costly to manage.