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How Statuspage deploys continuously with Bitbucket and Sleuth

This post was written by Michael Knighten, Founder & COO of Sleuth There are some similarities between deploying continuously and driving in the fast lane. When driving, you need to be always on the alert, proactively looking down the road for potential hazards. When you see them, you need to be able to react immediately, hit the brakes, and change course nimbly.

Extinguishing our performance fires and rebuilding for the future

I stepped into the role of Head of Engineering for Bitbucket Cloud in late 2020, having served as one of the team's senior engineering managers for several years. It is an honor and a privilege to lead this team, and I couldn't be prouder of the hard work we've done and continue to do each day to make Bitbucket a world-class product empowering teams to build, test, and deploy software to millions of people around the world. It has been an eventful journey, and the past few weeks are no exception.

Integrate security into development with Snyk, now a seamless part of Bitbucket Cloud

While PR analysis within Code Insights and Snyk Pipes are available to use right now, we're rolling out a native Security tab in Bitbucket Cloud. This will be a gradual rollout through the month of May so watch out for it in the left nav. We look forward to your feedback. Even small vulnerabilities can cost a team a lot. All too frequently we see news reports of organisations that mishandled their code & build level security, causing customer data to be exposed.

What in the world is FinOps, and why do we need it?

In 2020, cloud migration sped up by a factor of 24, according to McKinsey. Would you be surprised to learn there were a lot of factors driving that shift? Due to COVID-19, companies needed to go remote fast and securely. They wanted to lift the maintenance burden off overworked IT teams. And, in the face of the year’s worldwide economic uncertainty, motivation to take advantage of cloud’s cost savings was running high.

Skipping artifact downloads in Bitbucket Pipelines

Allowing steps to skip downloading artifacts has been a highly requested feature from our customers. You can now disable artifact downloading on certain steps that do not require any artifacts, which will allow faster builds and can reduce your costs as a result. Disabling artifact downloads during a step is as easy as switching off a flag. Note that these steps can still produce artifacts to pass down to future steps.

Bitbucket Pipelines and OpenID Connect: No more secret management

Bitbucket Pipelines now allows you to talk to your favorite third-party applications without an access token or secret. You no longer need to store your secrets in Bitbucket Pipelines. You can generate an OpenID Connect token in Bitbucket Pipelines, and use that to talk to any third-party application that supports OpenID Connect.

Automate (and scale) your Android deployment with Bitbucket Pipelines

We’ve launched a new Android template in Bitbucket Pipelines. This template helps you automate building and testing an Android project in a Docker container, using Gradle as your build tool. Access the template code here or go to the Pipelines tab of your repo and select the Android template. This blog walks you through how this template is structured and has tips on how you can scale it.

What a 13th-century monk can teach us about managing information overload

Get stories about tech and teams in your inbox Our brains are simply not equipped to handle all the information we’re trying to stuff into them. That’s the (paraphrased) sentiment of Dominican friar Vincent of Beauvais, a 13th-century monk, who was struggling to manage “the multitude of books, the shortness of time and the slipperiness of memory.” It seems the printing press was burying old Beauvais in a never-ending pile of text. What’s a monk to do?