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Analyzing OpenTelemetry apps with Elastic AI Assistant and APM

OpenTelemetry is rapidly becoming the most expansive project within the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), boasting as many commits as Kubernetes and garnering widespread support from customers. Numerous companies are adopting OpenTelemetry and integrating it into their applications. Elastic® offers detailed guides on implementing OpenTelemetry for applications. However, like many applications, pinpointing and resolving issues can be time-consuming.

OpenTelemetry and Elastic: Working together to establish continuous profiling for the community

Profiling is emerging as a core pillar of observability, aptly dubbed the fourth pillar, with the OpenTelemetry (OTel) project leading this essential development. This blog post dives into the recent advancements in profiling within OTel and how Elastic® is actively contributing toward it. At Elastic, we’re big believers in and contributors to the OpenTelemetry project.

Modernizing financial services: A deep dive into Elastic Cloud on AWS for Observability, Security, and more

In the dynamic landscape of financial services, data is not just currency; it's the key to innovation and operational excellence. Data is constantly streamlining from devices, logins, transfers, transactions, and much more, and it’s bound to increase with an ongoing reliance on digital channels. This creates a massive opportunity and responsibility for financial institutions, as their customers (and regulators) demand more from banking providers.

Machine learning vs. AI: Understanding the differences

For a long time, AI was almost exclusively the plaything of science fiction writers, where humans push technology too far, to the point it comes alive and — as Hollywood would have us believe — starts to wreak havoc. Cheery stuff! However, in recent years, we’ve seen an explosion of AI and machine learning technology that, so far, has shown us a fun side with people using AI for creating, planning, and ideating in a big way.

Emerging trends in observability: GAI, AIOps, tools consolidation, and OpenTelemetry

See the results of our 2024 survey of over 500 observability decision-makers to find out where the industry is headed As technology evolution continues at its rapid pace, so does observability. Observability is becoming critical to driving positive business outcomes, and we wanted to understand how users are evaluating trends and their impact over the coming years.

How to make a chatbot: Dos and don'ts for developers in an AI-driven world

Every day the world is becoming increasingly powered by artificial intelligence. In fact, you’d struggle to find tech companies that have not announced AI integrations into their tech stack in one way or another. Cynics might say this is a passing phase, but the reason AI is so popular is that it’s a versatile set of capabilities that can help solve a lot of problems.

How to create a search engine

Search engines are one of those things in life we take for granted. Whenever we’re looking for something, we throw a word or phrase into a search engine and, like magic, it gives us a list of matching results. It might not feel as magical nowadays because it’s something we do every day. But anyone who remembers the days of Alta Vista should understand how well we have it now.

593% return on investment by migrating off OpenSearch for search and logging

When investing in technology, organizations should look for products and services that get them the best bang for their buck. So, who comes out on top when investing in search and logging solutions? Elasticsearch® surpasses OpenSearch in cost efficiency.

LangChain tutorial: A guide to building LLM-powered applications

Large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4 and LLaMA have created a whole world of possibilities over the past couple of years. It’s heralded a boom in AI tools and applications, and ChatGPT has become a household name seemingly overnight. But this boom wouldn’t be possible without the powerful tools and frameworks created to facilitate this new generation of apps. One of these frameworks is LangChain, which makes it easy to build new apps using existing LLMs.