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Performing Seamless Root Cause Analysis With Squadcast

Critical incidents can pose significant challenges in organizational operations that demand prompt and effective resolution. A vital aspect of this resolution process involves Root Cause Analysis (RCA) reports, which dissect incidents to uncover their underlying causes and pave the way for preventive measures.

Breaking Down the 2024 VOID Report: "Exploring the Unintended Consequences of Automation in Software"

In an era where automation and artificial intelligence are increasingly integral to software development and operations, the 2024 VOID Report sheds critical light on the nuanced impacts of these technologies. Here, we delve deeper into the report's key findings and explore predictions for the near future, weaving a comprehensive narrative highlighting challenges and opportunities.

Manage Different Teams Within An Organization With Role Based Access Control In Squadcast

In a dynamic business landscape, organizations specifically Managed Service Providers (MSPs) often find themselves juggling the needs of multiple customers. It's crucial for them to maintain strict data segregation to prevent the mixing of customer information. Likewise, large organizations with distinct departments like the customer service or the technical department face similar challenges.

How Do You Handle Third-Party Dependencies in Your Reliability Planning?

External dependencies and third-party services play a crucial role in powering modern applications. These components bring a wealth of benefits, ranging from access to specialized tools and resources to the ability to offload non-core tasks, allowing development teams to focus on delivering value-added features.

NIST Incident Response Steps & Template | Blameless

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provides the framework to help businesses mitigate cybersecurity risks. The framework also protects networks and data, outlining best practices to inform decisions that save time and money. Creating a cybersecurity strategy that identifies, protects, detects, responds, and helps you recover from cybersecurity incidents is critical in the evolving threat landscape.

How to Comply With the SEC's New Cybersecurity Rule

On July 26, 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) introduced new rules regarding cybersecurity risk management, strategy, governance, and incidents. Public companies subject to reporting requirements must comply with the changes to avoid rescission and other monetary penalties, not to mention the risk of legal action and reputation damage. Here, we look at the two new cybersecurity rules and how your company can comply. ‍

Demystifying Digital Operations: A Comprehensive Overview

In today's hyper-connected world, digital operations underpin every successful organization. Yet, with countless tools, processes, and complexities involved, it can be challenging to understand the big picture and optimize performance. This blog aims to demystify digital operations by providing a comprehensive overview. We'll explore key topics, illustrate them with real-world examples, and highlight practical use cases to shed light on this vital aspect of modern business.

The Power of Building a Blameless Culture in IT Operations

In the world of high-scale, high-availability, high-performance web applications, mistakes in IT operations are inevitable. Systems fail, bugs slip through, and outages occur. Your team's approach to responding to these incidents significantly impacts their overall productivity, morale, and effectiveness. Company culture, such as that associated with a blameless culture, is crucial to driving the behaviors that make your business a success.