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UPS Solutions augments its productivity by implementing ManageEngine OpManager

IT being the backbone of its business, UPS Solutions adopted ManageEngine OpManager to discover and manage its IT infrastructure. Shohel Khan, IT DC solutions manager, says that OpManager is a nimble and efficient system that swiftly and automatically does the job for you from device discovery to security. The company relies on ManageEngine products to carry out IT operations, because they are agile and powerful.

Analytics Plus webinar: Catch critical signs of vulnerable security protocols

Security is all about addressing every potential vulnerability and creating formidable barriers to deter malicious actors from breaching your sensitive data. Given the multitude of vulnerabilities that need attention, security professionals often find themselves inundated with tasks. It's not just a matter of strengthening your infrastructure; it's about ensuring that every potential entry point is securely sealed to thwart malicious actors' attempts to compromise your infrastructure.

Analytics Plus webinar: How to make the help desk your first line of cyberdefense

When it comes to detecting a cyberattack, machine data such as logs, metrics, and telemetry is all-important. Sifting through mountains of machine data and recognizing threats is one way to secure your organization. But prevention is better than cure, and sticking to the basics and following best practices is the best way to keep threats at bay. Since the help desk holds a record of everything that happens in your IT, connecting help desk operations and events with common gateways helps prevent loopholes from being exploited.

S2E4: Strengthening the ITSM ecosystem with ServiceDesk Plus integrations - Masterclass 2023

In this episode, we will learn to leverage the various IT management solutions from ManageEngine through contextual integrations with ServiceDesk Plus. Learn how you can integrate and utilize various ManageEngine solutions including ADManager Plus, Analytics Plus, Endpoint Central, OpManager, and PAM360. Our product experts will demonstrate how these integrations can help you strengthen your IT service management practices.

S2E4: Strengthening the ITSM ecosystem with ServiceDesk Plus Cloud integrations - Masterclass 2023

In this episode, we will learn to leverage the various IT management solutions from ManageEngine through contextual integrations with ServiceDesk Plus Cloud. Learn how you can integrate and utilize various ManageEngine solutions including ADManager Plus, Analytics Plus, Endpoint Central, OpManager, and PAM360. Our product experts will demonstrate how these integrations can help you strengthen your IT service management practices.

The future with large language models (LLMs) feat. Ramprakash Ramamoorthy

Expanding on our previous topic of large language models in enterprise IT, Ramprakash Ramamoorthy, Director of AI research at ManageEngine and Zoho Corporation, takes it one step further as we dive deeper into the various functions of a business, and the normalization of LLM integration in those operations.

A KDC/One senior system administrator shares why ADManager Plus blows his mind!

KDC/One provides beauty, personal care, and home care solutions through its worldwide presence. It used to have issues creating and terminating users and was looking for a solution to automate this process. Cedrick Tshibamba, KDC/One's senior system administrator, was mind-blown when he came across ADManager Plus and its capabilities. They are now able to schedule creating and terminating users at ease, which used to take them half a day previously.

S2E3: Utilizing visual life cycles and workflows to standardize ITSM practices - Masterclass 2023

In this episode, we'll explore the ways organizations can streamline and automate various ITSM practices using visual life cycles and workflows. These practices include incident and problem management, service request fulfillment, and change, release, and asset management. You will learn how to create life cycles and workflows on a graphical, user-friendly canvas, enabling IT teams to follow organizational processes accurately and minimize errors.

S2E3: Implementing visual life cycles and workflows in ServiceDesk Plus - Masterclass 2023

In this episode, we'll explore the ways organizations can streamline and automate various ITSM practices using visual life cycles and workflows. These practices include incident management, service request fulfillment, change, release, and more. You will learn how to create life cycles and workflows on a graphical, user-friendly canvas, enabling IT teams to follow organizational processes accurately and minimize errors.