Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Dynamic DNS & Falco: detecting unexpected network activity

Since the inception of Falco, we’ve seen users write custom rules covering a number of different use cases. Because Falco is behavioral monitoring with a syntax that leverages system calls, you can write a rule for just about anything: opening a file, becoming root, or making a network connection.

Monitoring DNS Records for Wildcard Values

Back in 2016, we added support for monitoring wildcard DNS records. Wildcard DNS records are used to serve requests for otherwise non-existent domain names. Today we’re pleased to announce that we’ve extended our support for using wildcards in DNS records monitoring. DNS Check now allows you to specify a wildcard (*) in place of some DNS record values, such as an A record’s IP address to indicate that any value is acceptable, but the record must exist.

Feature Spotlight: DNS Checks

The Domain Name System (DNS) is brilliantly designed as a hierarchical structure, ensuring that any single point can fail with the system remaining relatively intact. There are some nuances to this statement, like caching issues that arise from outages, but the overall focus is on uptime. This is why the DNS check is a critical part of your IT uptime monitoring process.

DNS in the Cloud- Solid or Not?

The Domain Name System (DNS) catalog maps text-based URLs to their specifically-numbered host systems. As the phone book or Yellow Pages of the internet, DNS governs the speed with which websites and online resources may be located, so the speed and robustness of your DNS service can have a profound impact on your internet performance overall.

Auditing DNS Server Changes on Windows 2008/2008R2/2012 with EventSentry

If you’re running Windows 2008 (R2) or 2012 then setting up DNS auditing requires a few steps. Thankfully it’s a one-time process and shouldn’t take more than a few minutes. On the EventSentry side a pre-built package with all the necessary rules is available for download and included with the latest installer.

Announcing a no-strings-attached trial plan

Why pay for a service if you have no idea if it’s even good? We get that. We feel the same. Heck, I wouldn’t pay for something without trying it. When we cancelled our free tier a few weeks ago, we heard 2 dominant pieces of feedback: the need for a smaller plan and the need to test the service, before committing. The first we addressed with the Light plan, starting at 4.99€/month. The second we fix today.