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Deploy Friday: E78 Highlights from the international PHP conference

This year's PHP Conference Munich is wrapping up, and we'll be taking a look at the state of PHP, as well as the synopsis of a few of the top sessions, including the keynote, "Coding against climate change – Sustainable software engineering". Speakers Carsten Windler and Stefan Priebsch join me to give a report from the ground, and to discuss the following topics.

Fold Your Repos Into PHP Composer v2 with Artifactory

If you’re among the nearly one in four professional developers using PHP (according to StackOverflow’s 2021 survey), then the maintainers of Composer would really like you to migrate from v1 of the PHP package manager to v2. On October 24 2020, Composer 2.0.0 was released with some major improvements.Since almost eight out of every ten websites on the internet use PHP in some way, that’s a change with big impact.

How to Log to Console in PHP and Why Should You Do It

Monitoring, troubleshooting, and debugging your code all require logging. It not only makes the underlying execution of your project more visible and understandable, but it also makes the approach more approachable. Intelligent logging procedures can assist everyone in a company or community to stay on the same page about the project's status and progress.

Getting Started with PHP and InfluxDB

This article was written by Cameron Pavey, a full-stack dev living and working in Melbourne. Scroll below for this picture and bio. As a developer, it is likely that you will eventually run into a situation where a traditional relational database’s document stores don’t quite cut it. If you need to store points of data over time, you’ll likely need a time series database.

How to Display All PHP Errors: For Basic and Advanced Use

During the execution of a PHP application, it is possible for it to generate a wide range of warnings and errors. For developers seeking to troubleshoot a misbehaving application, being able to observe these errors is critical. Developers, on the other hand, frequently encounter difficulties when attempting to display errors from their PHP applications. Instead, their applications simply stop working.

A Guide To PHP Performance Monitoring

Performance is not something you should compromise on, and it's important to have a healthy development process that improves as your application grows. If your PHP application is not super-fast, it will be much harder to scale and maintain. You need to identify errors in the early stage to fix them as soon as possible. And if you don’t know where your bottlenecks are, you can’t fix them.