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Outlook Zero-Day (CVE-2023-23397) Fix for N-central and N-sight

As you likely be all too aware, there is a Microsoft Outlook zero-day vulnerability listed under CVE-2023-23397. With the increased attacks on Outlook this month, Microsoft has pushed out fixes for about 80 Windows flaws. More information on some of those patches can be found in my colleague Lewis Pope’s March 2023 Patch Tuesday blog. Lewis was also kind enough to send over the remediation script for both N-able N-central and N-able N-sight.

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5 Advanced DevSecOps Techniques to Try in 2023

If you're here, you know the basic DevSecOps practices like incorporating proper encryption techniques and embracing the principle of least privilege. You may be entering the realm of advanced DevSecOps maturity, where you function as a highly efficient, collaborative team, with developers embracing secure coding and automated security testing best practices.

Understanding Log4Shell: An Ultimate Guide to Protecting your System

Coding is a big part of building an application. But, most of the time, you don’t write the entire code. Yes, you don't! Some people, usually big companies, provide pre-written codes for certain standard functions - like loggers, APIs, etc. This is because these functions work the same way in most applications; they require only simple fine-tuning to be adapted for your program as well. In such a case, writing it all from scratch would be a waste. And that is why developers use libraries.

The Importance of CVE & CVSS Scores

As we move into the new year, organizations can expect the number of cyberattacks to increase significantly. In order to battle these upcoming threats, effective patching and patch management processes will be essential. Before patching vulnerabilities, there are two main vulnerability assessments that IT teams should focus on: CVE & CVSS scores. Below, we’ll examine the importance of CVE & CVSS scores along with some of their uses and benefits in the cybersecurity space.

What is Vulnerability Management? How to Reduce Vulnerabilities

Vulnerability management should be among the highest priorities of organizations, especially within their IT environments. Skybox Security reports, “vulnerabilities have more than tripled over the past ten years.” With this exponential increase, they also report that cybercrime has continuously evolved and become a more complex threat. Vulnerability management aims to assert a level of control over this ever-present issue in the IT space.

Log4Shell and Log4j - Where it all went Wrong?

On 10th December 2021, Apache foundation admitted the Log4Shell vulnerability of its Log4j 2.16 version. Chen Zhao Jun was an Alibaba cloud services security analyst who first found out about this security threat and consequently reported it to the foundation. Upon further investigation, they identified that the vulnerability had existed since 2013. Unfortunately, by then all the corporations, big and small were affected by this malicious security breach.

Mapping service vulnerabilities with Mend

Mend is an automated vulnerability scanning tool that helps teams detect and resolve issues quickly. Mend can discover outdated packages and tell you if you’re relying on tools with known issues. Then, through automated remediation, Mend creates pull requests for developers with specific guidance on resolving those issues. Mend conducts static code analysis as well as package and dependency management analysis to identify weaknesses.

Microsoft's Coordinated Disclosure Discussion from BlackHat & DefCon '22: Security Insights

Security Insights welcomes its new host, Ashley Stryker, into the mix! In today's episode, Chris Goettl and Daniel Spicer break down some backlash from Microsoft customers on their failure to disclose a “ninja patch” on a vulnerability researchers found months before the fix. Listen in as the trio discuss security transparency and best practices for vendor coordinated disclosures of vulnerabilities for cloud versus on-prem products and much more!

Microsoft Zero-Day Exchange Exploits Show Value of Network Behavior Visibility

There is no end to zero-day attacks. Lessen the pain by spotting them early. In recent days two zero-day vulnerabilities against Microsoft on-premises Exchange Servers have been publicized and exploited. The good news is that Exchange cloud users such as Microsoft 365 customers, need not worry as these exploits are only against the on-premises versions.