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Real User Monitoring (RUM) vs. Synthetic Monitoring

Real User Monitoring (RAM) and Synthetic Monitoring are two different approaches to website and application monitoring. They both serve the same purpose of ensuring optimal performance of a website or application, but they differ in how they collect data and the types of insights they provide. Understanding the difference between the two can help you determine which approach is best suited for your specific needs.

10 Best Tools to Monitor SSL Certificate Expiry, Validity & Change [2023 Comparison]

Webmasters always have their hands full with everything from user experience, search engine optimization and last but not least, SSL certificates. While some may not prioritize SSL certificates, they are still critical to the correct operation of your websites. Because Secure Layer Certificates are so important, monitoring them is a must! To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 best tools for monitoring SSL certificates for validity, expiry, and change.

Network Path Monitoring Pinpoints and Mitigates Connection Bottlenecks

An employee calls complaining about slow response time. Another one has similar trouble. No red lights are flashing on the Network Operations console, so the network is up and running. What is happening? Frankly, it could be just about anything: an overworked router, a runaway process on a laptop, a slow loading web page, or a bandwidth hog at home.

Splunk Synthetics in Observability Terraform Provider Released

“How do you know your web properties and APIs are up and functioning as expected for users, not just nationally, but across the entire planet?“ Splunk Synthetic Monitoring provides an effective solution to monitor and track the reliability of web properties from locations all over the globe. By generating simulated user or API requests with Splunk Synthetics you’ll quickly be able to measure response times from various locations, devices, and connection types.
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Empower Your IT Team with Comprehensive Citrix Monitoring

In today's remote work environment, virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) solutions such as Citrix have become essential tools for organisations to enable their employees to work from anywhere. Citrix provides access to virtual desktops, applications, and data, allowing employees to work from any device and location. However, to ensure a seamless user experience, it is essential to have comprehensive monitoring of the Citrix environment. Unfortunately, many IT teams need help identifying and resolving issues that impact the user experience, particularly when the problems are intermittent or challenging to reproduce.

New Generation Technology vs Legacy Stack: Why 2 Steps is the Better Alternative to BMC

Synthetic transaction monitoring is a critical aspect of application performance management, allowing companies to simulate user interactions and identify issues before they impact end-users. However, not all synthetic transaction monitoring solutions are created equal.

Top 20 Synthetic Monitoring Tools

Synthetic monitoring is a means to monitor applications, pages, APIs, etc., from the user’s perspective so you can best understand how they perform for actual users. IT professionals use synthetic monitoring to run simple uptime checks and to monitor complex, mission-critical business transactions. Synthetic monitoring tools also allow you to test and monitor third-party applications, which can impact how your users experience your websites and web applications.

How Synthetic Transaction Monitoring Provides Complete Site Visibility & Why Basic Monitoring is Not Enough

We’ve all been in the situation before: it’s Friday at 5 PM and the only on-call engineer available to handle incidents is about to hit the slopes. Unfortunately, at that very moment, a customer reports to support that they are unable to access the company’s ecommerce website to complete a purchase. Internal monitoring systems seem quiet and services appear available on internal health dashboards.