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Field Data vs Doc Values | Understanding Elasticsearch Performance Issues

🚀 Dive into the world of Elasticsearch performance with our expert at Sematext! In this insightful conference talk, we explore the crucial differences between Doc Values and Field Data, shedding light on the best practices for optimizing your Elasticsearch clusters. Discover how the choice between Doc Values and Field Data can significantly impact your Elasticsearch queries, indexing, and overall system efficiency. Gain the knowledge and insights to supercharge your Elasticsearch deployments.

Different Approaches You Can Take to Grow Your Business

One of the main concerns that businesses face when it comes to growth and expansion is how to go about it and, more importantly, what to do first. Some businesses get stuck in a rut and railroad themselves into believing that there is only one form of action that they can take. In fact, there are usually several avenues that are open to them - as long as they get the right professionals in to help them along the way.

8 Common SEO Mistakes to Avoid in 2023: Digital Marketer's Edition

As a digital marketer, you know that SEO is an incredibly important part of your marketing strategy. It can be the difference between success and failure for your online presence. The problem is that search engine optimization (SEO) is constantly changing and evolving - which means keeping up with it can be overwhelming! To make sure you're ahead of the game in 2023, we put together this guide on 8 common SEO mistakes to avoid.

Understanding SEO: Techniques to Improve Your Rankings

The term SEO is widespread in the digital world and has been used by various marketing gurus, IT professionals, and many other people. That's why we assume that you have probably heard of this word. But the question is, do you really know what it represents and how beneficial it is? That's something that hardly anyone (who isn't part of the digital world) knows. However, if you want your website to become more visible, then you need to get your facts straight when it comes to this.

The Future of SEO: 6 Technology Trends Shaping Business Visibility

Search engine optimization (SEO) is no longer limited to traditional techniques like keyword research, content marketing, and link building. As technology continues to evolve, so too does SEO. The future of SEO lies in emerging technologies transforming how businesses increase their online visibility. By understanding how each trend works and leveraging its power for your business's benefit, you can stay ahead of the competition and ensure your website remains highly visible on SERPs for years.
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5 Common SEO Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Technology companies are prone to making mistakes as it pertains to their digital marketing strategies. As far as cloud infrastructure or DevOps is concerned, no ambitious business owners would want to replicate what a competitor has done. Therefore, the same should apply to the world of digital marketing, and more specifically, search engine optimization (SEO), a highly technical and evolving field in itself.

Maximizing Your Website's Potential: The Ultimate SEO Strategy Guide

Billions of websites exist on the web. Internet users don't know the URLs of all these websites. The easiest way for them to reach any website that offers products or data according to their interest is by web search. Web search allows them to find such websites easily. However, it is often observed that most internet users need to pay more attention to websites ranked lower on search results.

Why Technology is Essential for Crafting a Seamless Branding Strategy

In today's fast-paced and competitive market, it's more important than ever to harness the power of technology. That's why companies use it for hiring staff and have software that measures brand awareness. Perhaps you're currently trying to connect with your target audience in meaningful ways. In this article, we'll explore why technology is essential in shaping an effective branding strategy.