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Best Practices and Potential Loopholes for Successful Microservices Architecture

Microservices architecture is a software development approach where an application is built as a collection of small, loosely coupled, independently deployable services. Each service focuses on a specific business capability and operates as an autonomous unit, communicating with other services through well-defined APIs. This architectural style is often used in the context of DevOps to create more efficient, scalable, and manageable systems.

Best Practices for implementing DevOps in Organizations

Are you curious about DevOps and how it’s transforming the world of technology? Look no further! In this blog, we will dive into the fascinating world of DevOps and explore its significance and need in today’s fast-paced digital landscape. From its definition and importance to real-world examples of epic fails and their solutions, we’ll cover it all. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s embark on this DevOps journey together!

5 Types of Git WorkFlow & Explanation of each Flow

As you might be aware, each team has its own unique workflow based on the project type, size of the company, team preferences, and a number of other factors. The larger the team, the more difficult it is to keep things under control: disputes become more regular, delivery deadlines may postpone, priorities always change - the list may go on and on. Adapting Git is the first step in resolving these challenges, as it can be used in almost any workflow.

Top 20 CI/CD Pipeline Interview Questions & Answers

The key to acing a CI/CD interview is preparation. The first step in preparation is to learn as much as you can about the possible company, including its background, offerings, and hiring practices. In order to help you master your next interview and land your dream job, this blog post includes CICD interview questions, all neatly organized into themes.. Refreshing your technical knowledge is the next item on the list because it will help you stand apart.

Difference between Docker Image & Docker Container

A Docker image is a combination of instructions and for creating a docker container a instruction is used to execute code in a Docker container. Docker images work as a set of instructions to build and run a Docker container, as a template. Docker images also perform as the initial point when using Docker. A Docker image contains read-only files. when a docker image is created it can not be changed and modified, insert template that has instructions for deploying containers.

Top 8 CI/CD Best Practices for Building Successful Applications

Developers commonly integrate the code and these frequent modifications in a central repository as part of the software development method is known as continuous integration (CI). Improved software quality, faster quality audit and bug fixes, and quick validation and release cycles are all major goals of continuous integration. Continuous Delivery (CD), which builds on top of Continuous Integration(CI), includes automating both builds and the complete software release process.

Migration Guide - Jenkins to Razorops

Organizations are becoming more aware of the advantages of upgrading their continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines and moving them to the cloud, from lowering infrastructure costs to eliminating security threats. But carrying out a transfer is challenging, especially when a variety of platforms and technologies are involved.

CICD Tool - Razorops integration with GITLAB

RAZOROPS is the best CI/CD tool since the platform can support, run tests, staging and AWS deployment, all within the pipeline. Razorops helps them continue to focus on their objective. It helps to eliminate queueing and speed up their total build, test cycle and to increase the quality of the code. Razorops integrates easily with GITLAB. You can set up your pipeline within 30 minutes through gitlab.