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Data Center Capacity: How to Measure, How to Plan, and How Much is Left?

Data center capacity refers to key data center resources (i.e., power, space, cooling, and power/network port connections) that are available to meet the requirements of current and future IT demand. Accurately planning and managing data center capacity is essential for maintaining uptime and increasing efficiency. Failure to do so can be very expensive and detrimental to the business.

8 Ways to Ensure a Greener Data Center

After becoming increasingly popular in the mid-2000s, cloud computing has revolutionized the data center industry. Aside from providing cost-savings, security, mobility, and scalability benefits, cloud computing was also expected to be more environmentally friendly than other data storing and processing methods. By being highly efficient, cloud operators can reduce the use of electricity and other materials that typically increase a data center’s carbon footprint.

Top 6 Innovations in Data Center Cooling Technology

Cooling systems are one of the most important components of a data center. They often consume about half of all the data center’s total energy and are necessary to maintain a safe operating environment. The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) thermal guidelines recommend that the ideal temperature for server inlets is between 64.4° F and 80.6° F with a relative humidity between 40% and 60%.

What's Your Data Center Energy Cost? [Free Calculator]

Do you know what your power density per rack is? How about what it costs to power each individual rack for a year? Or all your racks combined? The fact is that most data center managers don’t know this information, which can be incredibly valuable when it comes to power capacity planning, energy management, and maximizing the utilization of existing resources. That’s why we created a simple and free tool to make it easy for you to understand your power density and data center energy costs.

Data Center Skills in High Demand in 2022

As modern data centers grow increasingly complex and distributed, data center technology and infrastructure can become more difficult to manage, and it becomes harder for IT decision-makers to find qualified candidates. According to Uptime Institute, 50% of data center owners and operators are struggling to find qualified candidates. In recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated industry trends such as remote data center management, deepening the already severe data center skills gap.

Remote Data Center Management: Metering, Monitoring, & Management in the New Normal

The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in a "new normal," and data center professionals must adapt to keep up with the issues of today while maintaining uptime and business continuity. New challenges include an increased demand on infrastructure with a higher potential for outages, more time pressure on projects, and less staff onsite resulting in a more difficult environment for collaboration, planning new infrastructure and services, and performing changes and maintenance. Data center managers must develop a comprehensive remote data center management strategy to find success.

8 Best Practices to Simplify Your Data Center Consolidation

Whether you are downsizing your infrastructure within a single room or eliminating half of your data center sites, a data center consolidation is a complex, risk-prone project. Fortunately, you can mitigate many of the mistakes and unwelcome surprises that even the most experienced data center professionals find derailing their consolidation.

Top 10 Data Center Management Trends of 2021

What a difference a year makes. Each year, data center, lab, and edge sites become more complex, more distributed, and more difficult to manage. Managers must stay up to date on the latest trends and advancements in data center management best practices and technologies to maintain uptime, increase the efficiency of capacity utilization, and improve the productivity of people.

7 Proven Tips for a Successful Data Center Migration

Many data center migration teams try to mitigate some of the risks and avoid unwelcome surprises through detailed planning and following best practices. However, even with these efforts, data center migrations are so complex that some things still fall through the cracks. In this eBook, we've compiled a list of proven tips based on our experiences and those of our customers when dealing with data center moves to help data center managers tackle often-overlooked challenges and see success-before, during, and after the move.