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Data Centers

Introducing platformEDGE - One platform, bringing the edge closer to you.

PlatformEDGE combines regional data centres, distrubuted compute and low latency connectivity to deliver improved performance, growth at scale and transformation for regional businesses across the UK. Our integrated platform reaches 95% of UK businesses through our strategically located data centres on the edge network of all major UK cities. Get secure, fast, and controlled access to data, where and when you need it.
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From shortage to surplus: How to address the skills gap in data centres

Let me state the obvious - operating and maintaining data centres requires a high level of technical expertise. The demand for these skills has consistently exceeded supply. That is by no means unusual in a rapidly expanding industry. However, I've been working in this field for over 30 years, and I've seen this skills gap widen relentlessly. As the industry matures, there is a genuine risk that this shortage will become permanently ingrained.

Hyperview DCIM 3.13 Software Release

We're back with new and improved features including Alarm Policies for more flexible alarm event management. Enhanced functionalities in Bulk Event Management, Asset and Sensor Dashboards, Rack Layout Export, 3D Layouts, and Linux Data Collector's VMware support are now available. Lastly, temperature bands have been updated in line with ASHRAE 2021 Thermal Guidelines.

Top 5 Benefits of a Data Center Consolidation

Data center consolidation involves reducing the number of servers, storage, network systems, racks, or entire data center sites to improve IT efficiency and create a more streamlined environment with lower space, power, and cooling requirements. As businesses migrate their workloads to the cloud or virtualize servers, the need for physical space decreases. This prompts companies to downsize their footprint, utilizing existing resources more and alleviating data center management challenges.

Why Cloud Did Not Kill the Data Center

Migrating to a cloud model would reduce costs and let me focus on consumption pricing; reduce complexity by moving backend software and hardware support to the provider; and increase agility by letting my developers use all those nifty new tools that were emerging daily from cloud providers. The data center was heading the way of the dinosaurs! All was good. Everyone was happy. Well, in theory anyway. Until reality kicked in.

How Leading Data Center Managers Leverage Business Rules with DCIM Software

For many data center professionals, the daily operations of a data center require a lot of repetitive manual data entry tasks. Manually entering data about data center assets over and over again is not only time-consuming, but it risks inaccurate information due to human error. However, there is a new way forward.

7 Ways DCIM Software Provides a Fast ROI

As a global leader in second-generation Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) software, we have the opportunity to speak with a lot of data center professionals. One of the most common stories we hear is that they are still using Excel, Visio, open-source software, and homegrown tools to manage their data centers and that these tools are causing them a lot of pain. They're manually intensive, inaccurate, hard to use, and not integrated.

Engineering tomorrow, today: hybrid cloud at the edge

The direction of travel for business technology is one-way. The momentum towards strategies around decentralised, hybrid technologies is unstoppable. Examples abound, from the composable software stacks of e-commerce to the ongoing death of monolithic ERP. Modern, digitally-driven business is based on a dynamic alignment of resources, data and technology at the granular level, which is then coordinated precisely.