Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Deploy Friday: E79 The Long and Winding Road towards security compliance

Platform.sh has worked hard to be the most secure, compliant, and dependable business partner possible for our customers. To that end, we're able to provide data processing agreements (DPAs) for European GDPR, German BDSG, Canadian PIPEDA, and the Australian Privacy Act. We have been successfully audited for SOC 3 Type 2 and PCI DSS Level 1 compliance, and we've got more important acronyms in the works.

Deploy Friday: E78 Highlights from the international PHP conference

This year's PHP Conference Munich is wrapping up, and we'll be taking a look at the state of PHP, as well as the synopsis of a few of the top sessions, including the keynote, "Coding against climate change – Sustainable software engineering". Speakers Carsten Windler and Stefan Priebsch join me to give a report from the ground, and to discuss the following topics.

Deploy Friday: E77 Simplifying local development with Lando

DevOps isn’t just where your application is delivered, how it's tested, or how you end up provisioning remote development environments for it. Local development solutions are paramount, but like everything else, there are a ton of options with slightly different assumptions and philosophies for how your work is supported.

Creating problem-solving partnerships through a policy of open innovation

The world is full of problems. Any company trying to make a name for itself in the world is going to run right smack into those problems. But the world is also full of solutions. To better find and profit from those solutions, companies are increasingly embracing open innovation, an approach to solving problems in creative and unexpected ways by collaborating with customers, partners, and employees.

Organizations, the ultimate way to manage your users and projects

Organizations thrive on organization. But as the number of projects and contributors you organize within your organization grows, it becomes more and more difficult to organize your organizational permissions. That’s why we’ve introduced a new type of organizational layer that we’ve cleverly named Organizations. Organizations allow your key contributors to manage your projects and billing, thus removing the bottleneck on the legacy project owner.

Keeping afloat during the flood of worker turnover

Almost four million U.S. workers a month are quitting their jobs. More than half of North American employees plan to look for a new position this year. And an alarming percentage of the workforce describe themselves as “burnt out.” Statistics like these are the shadow cast by the looming “talent turnover tsunami.” The pandemic has unmoored millions of people from their familiar patterns both at home and at work.

Platform.sh | Community Using AWS S3 snapshot repository for Elasticsearch

Contextual Code specializes in enterprise-level projects for state government agencies. We routinely tackle difficult web content management implementations, migrations, integrations, customizations, and operations. We know what it takes to get a project off the ground and onto the web. We use Platform.sh as our primary hosting platform because it’s incredibly flexible and it provides a vast list of services that can be set up very easily.

A beginner's guide to Platform.sh

Hey friends, I recently joined Platform.sh as a Developer Relations Engineer, and I’ve been playing with the platform for a few weeks now. In this blog post, I’ll share some things I’ve learned about Platform.sh, how I was able to deploy my first Node.js application, and a few features that I think could be improved.