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Fast Easy Onboarding with GitLens

Dive into the power of GitLens in VS Code! Learn how to fast-track onboarding processes, from tracing code evolution and creating pull requests seamlessly to exploring advanced features like branch management and commit visualization. Gain valuable insights into branch management, commit visualization, integrating with Jira for enhanced project tracking, and more.

What to do when a merge conflict strikes? #GitKraken #shorts

Don't panic! GitKraken makes resolving these conflicts intuitive. In our latest tutorial, we walk through how to handle a rebase that doesn’t go as planned. Discover how to navigate through conflicted files, utilize the merge tool, and successfully continue your rebase for a clean commit history! ✨

Discover underrated #GitLens features #shorts

Want to understand your project history better AND learn about underrated GitLens features? Our Workshop's got it all and more! Join us TOMORROW for a deep dive into all the GitLens features at your disposal to stay productive, help with onboarding, and enhance your team's development. Plus, 10 lucky attendees will win an exclusive swag prize pack! 🎁 ⏰

Work in VS Code? Register for our #GitLens workshop! #shorts

Check out our upcoming Workshop to see how GitLens can enhance your development process! Explore features like pivotal commit identification, line history, and creating pull requests directly within VS Code. 💻 AND, 10 lucky attendees will be selected for an exclusive swag bundle! 👀

Revamp Your Code Reviews with GitLens

Code reviews can quickly become code catch-ups – you’re sifting through countless commits, trying to understand the story behind a particular piece of code. Who made this change? When was this pushed? Which files were modified? These blockers can make code reviews feel like wasted time digging through the project’s commit history. That’s where GitLens comes into play, providing powerful Git functionalities right into VS Code.