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Customer Service

7 Ways Businesses Can Enhance the Customer Walk-In Experiences with a Visitor Management Software

The most crucial aspect of any business is the customers. They are the backbone of a company. The customer walk-in experience is a vital part of every business, but it has been under-utilized and ignored by most companies. It needs to change as some amazing tools have come up over the years which can be used to improve the customer walk-in experience.
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How Telecoms Companies Can Usher In A New Era Of Customer Service

Few sectors face the level of pressure on their customer service teams that telecoms businesses do. From helping new home owners get set up with super-fast internet, to keeping families connected across continents, customer experience is everything in telco. Providing some of the most important services to keep the world connected, though, is a demanding responsibility to manage. Whether you're working from home and trying to join an important meeting, or catching up with an old friend, when connections falter, frustrations rise quickly.