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Decoupling Ruby: Delegation vs Dependency Injection

We've all worked with tightly-coupled code. If a butterfly flaps its wings in China, the unit tests break. Maintaining a system like this is...unpleasant. In this article, Jonathan Miles dives into the origins of tight-coupling. He demonstrates how you can use dependency injection (DI) to decouple code. Then he introduces a novel decoupling technique based on delegation that can be useful when DI is not an option.

Breadcrumbs for JavaScript

Breadcrumbs can help you debug client-side JavaScript applications, and are available to all Honeybadger customers as of today. One of the things that makes fixing JavaScript errors so difficult is that everything happens on the client-side. When an obscure error happens in a callback, you often lack the context to reproduce it. If the error is critical, you may even resort to deploying debug code to get more information about the events leading up to it.

A Rubyist's Introduction to Character Encoding, Unicode and UTF-8

Have you ever dealt with a unicode bug? Where plain text — the substance you work with all day — can no longer be trusted? It can be disorienting to say the least! This article will help prepare you so that the next time that happens you’ll be able to spend less time hyperventilating and more time troubleshooting.

Lights, Camera, GitHub Actions!

Here at Honeybadger, we are big fans of GitHub Actions' workflow automation and CI/CD features. We like it so much that we decided to add two of our own contributions to the community! Now you can trace stacks at light speed by uploading your source maps to Honeybadger directly from GitHub using your original, un-minified Javascript code.

Honeybadger Has Joined Forces With GitHub Student Developer Pack!

Here at Honeybadger, we want to do our part to help student developers keep their apps free from errors. That’s why we are excited to offer our error monitoring, uptime and check-in monitoring tool free of charge to students that take advantage of the GitHub Student Developer Pack.

Harness Your Deployment Superpowers With Honeybadger's Orb For CircleCI

Palantir orbs, the Globe of Peace, Thief Raid, Trine, Prophecy Records, Ood Translators — the list of important orbs throughout history is quite long. However, the Honeybadger orb for CircleCI gives you deployment super powers. Do those other “important” orbs offer this feature? I didn’t think so!

What if I called FLUSHALL on your Redis instance?

At Honeybadger, we use Redis a lot. It's our Swiss Army Knife; it's a cache, a single source of truth, it stores background jobs, and more. Basically, Redis is one of those services that should never fail. I was pondering the DevOps apocalypse recently, as one does (could Redis be one of the four horsemen?), which led me to jump into our #ops channel to ask Ben a simple question: what are the risks if someone executed flushall on our redis instances?