Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

May 2024

How to Choose the Right Car Loan?

Purchasing a car is a significant milestone and often involves securing a car loan. With a myriad of options available, choosing the right loan can feel overwhelming. The decision you make will impact your finances for years, so it's crucial to understand the factors involved in selecting the best car loan for your needs. This guide will walk you through the essential elements to consider, ensuring you make an informed and confident choice.

Why Consider a Louisiana LLC? Exploring the Key Benefits and Challenges

Are you considering starting a business in Louisiana? If so, you might want to explore the benefits and challenges of forming a Louisiana Limited Liability Company (LLC). In this article, we will delve into the key advantages and potential hurdles of choosing an LLC structure for your business in Louisiana.

CI/CD: The Key to Accelerating Software Development and Delivery

The CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) pipeline stands as a pivotal tool in modern software development. It comprises a sequence of automated steps essential for delivering updated software versions seamlessly. CI/CD pipelines are pivotal in enhancing software delivery across the development lifecycle through automation.

Bandwidth throttling: A strategic approach to network bandwidth monitoring and optimization with NetFlow Analyzer

Imagine you are hosting a lavish buffet and have prepared a wide variety of dishes. It is a common tendency of some guests at dinner parties to pile their plates with food, leaving little for others to consume. To ensure that everybody receives a fair share of food and that the buffet doesn’t run out too quickly, you decide to implement a “plate size restriction” policy.
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Top Security Data Types: Exploring the OCSF Framework

In cybersecurity, it's a big challenge to handle diverse data formats across various platforms. The Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF) aims to address this by standardizing data security formats and simplifying the process of threat hunting. Major players like IBM, AWS and others are working together to standardize data with this open-source project, emphasizing its importance.

Don't miss the blind spots: API monitoring for digital resilience

In today's digital world, applications are the lifeline of businesses. They're the engines powering everything from e-commerce transactions (think adding items to your shopping cart) to internal communication tools (imagine sending a message to a colleague). Any glitch or outage in these applications can have a domino effect, impacting revenue, productivity, and even brand reputation.

Provide full context to reviewers by including pipeline artifacts within the pull request

The code insights functionality in Bitbucket Cloud provides a variety of reports, annotations, and metrics to help your team have full context during the code review process. With code insights, you can automatically have artifacts such as static analysis reports, security scan results, artifact links, unit test results, and build status updates appear in your pull request screen so reviewers have access to all reports and statuses before they approve the code change.

What is a DevOps engineer? A look inside the role

DevOps engineers play a vital role in modern software organizations, helping to bridge the gap between software development and IT operations. DevOps is a cultural and technical approach that emphasizes collaboration, automation, and continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD). DevOps engineers are responsible for implementing and supporting these practices to improve efficiency, enhance software quality, and accelerate delivery times.

How To Troubleshoot Missing Performance Data in Netreo

Missing performance data or statistics on dashboards or reports is always troublesome and could be critical. Let’s say you and your IT team recently added a new server to handle your growing graphics department. First thing in the morning, you hop on your IT operations dashboard to check CPU Utilization. Yikes! No performance data. You check your recent server report and find nothing there, either.

Guide to Monitoring Your Apache Zipkin Environment Using Telegraf

Using Apache Zipkin is important because it provides detailed, end-to-end tracing of requests across distributed systems, helping to identify latency issues and performance bottlenecks. Monitoring your Zipkin environment is crucial to ensure the reliability and performance of your tracing system, allowing you to quickly detect and address any anomalies or downtime.

Executive Summary Episode 6: AI + Human Insights: Partners in Cybersecurity, feat. Rob May

Ivanti’s latest research found that cybersecurity teams are largely positive about the role of AI in protecting against and opposing AI-powered attacks. Yet, despite this optimism, many security professionals lack the proper understanding and defense strategy to address the risks today’s AI threat landscape poses. How can cybersecurity teams prepare themselves to fend off sophisticated AI-powered attacks and leverage AI effectively in their security strategy?