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Data source security in Grafana: Best practices and what to avoid

Recently, an incorrect security report was published, claiming that there’s a SQL injection attack in Grafana. As we have communicated to the security researcher, this report is wrong. Authenticated users in Grafana have the same permissions as the user configured for the underlying data source.

Understanding Dashboards in Grafana | Panels, Visualizations, Queries, and Transformations

Gain a fundamental understanding of what Dashboards are in Grafana and how they can be used to visualise your data to ensure your systems remain healthy and operational. We'll cover the must know concepts, including panels, visualizations, queries, and transformations, that will ensure you have all the tools you need to build awesome dashboards in Grafana. Chapters: ☁️ Grafana Cloud is the easiest way to get started with Grafana dashboards, metrics, logs, and traces. Our forever-free tier includes access to 10k metrics, 50GB logs, 50GB traces and more. We also have plans for every use case.

Setting up your Grafana k6 performance testing suite: JavaScript tools, shared libraries, and more

Editor’s note: This blog post is the second in a series of posts about organizing your performance testing suite with Grafana k6. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out the first post in the series, which explores how to implement reusable test patterns and other best practices within your testing suite.

The Best 15 Interactive Dashboard Examples

Your organization, irrespective of its size, is likely creating a substantial amount of data, and deriving value and insights from this data is vital. This is where dashboards can assist you. With reporting dashboards, you can cut through the noise, and select the metrics that are pivotal to your team to begin visualizing them and the trend of these metrics through continuous monitoring, enabling your team to acquire actionable insights.

Grafana Cloud Synthetic Monitoring: How to simulate user journeys to ensure the best possible end-user experience

Here at Grafana Labs, we have a long-standing commitment to helping our users understand how their applications and services behave from an external point of view. This critical practice — known as synthetic monitoring — has been a key focus of ours for nearly a decade. Back in 2015, we released worldPing, our first product to help measure the user experience and improve website performance.

Proactively monitor user journeys with Grafana Cloud Synthetic Monitoring

Grafana Cloud Synthetic Monitoring proactively monitors the performance of your APIs and web applications from the user's perspective. Powered by Grafana k6, Synthetic Monitoring combines GUI-based and as-code monitoring to improve efficiency, collaboration, and application reliability. Watch this demo of how to use Synthetic Monitoring in Grafana Cloud.