Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

August 2023

Getting started with RabbitMQ

RabbitMQ is an open-source message broker software that facilitates communication and data exchange between various components of distributed applications. Acting as an intermediary, RabbitMQ enables different software systems, services, and devices to exchange information in a seamless and efficient manner. It follows the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), a standardized communication protocol designed for robust and scalable messaging.

ExpressJS Container Debugging

In recent years, the landscape of application development has experienced a paradigm shift, largely driven by the rise of containerization and microservices architectures. Amid this transformation, Express.js has emerged as a dynamic and versatile framework that stands as a one-stop shop for crafting robust web applications. Its popularity owes much to its minimalist approach, allowing developers to swiftly build APIs and web applications with ease.

What's New in the Kubernetes 1.28 Second Release

From its humble beginnings, Kubernetes’ growth story continues to be a testament to the power of open-source collaboration, and its current 1.28 second release is certainly no exception. It’s not just a product of ingenious coding but also the sweat and night oil of a global community – from seasoned industry stalwarts to students just making their debut in the open-source world.

Debuggers Guide to the Galaxy - Pilot Episode

Grab your digital towel and embark on an intergalactic coding adventure with 'The Debuggers Guide to the Galaxy,' hosted by the serverless sage Yan Cui and the code-wielding DeveloperSteve. In a universe where devops are as perplexing as Vogon poetry and deployment seems guided by Infinite Improbability Drives, our hosts will guide you through the cosmic chaos. With introductions that defy normal spacetime and a #Dart container #debugging session that's almost, but not quite, entirely out of this world.

Using Kubernetes with AWS Lambda: Scaling Up Your Serverless Applications

In today’s world, with Large tech giants and businesses looking forward to moving toward serverless architecture, there has been a significant demand for scaling the applications. It’s therefore no surprise that millions of companies worldwide have adopted, or are planning on migrating to a Kubernetes and AWS Lambda solution to take their serverless applications to the next level.

DGTTG short - The Spindlewhorl Enigma of Serverless Debugging

Embark on an astral journey through 'The Spindlewhorl Enigma of Serverless Debugging' with our Debuggers Guide to the Galaxy livestream. Unravel cosmic code mysteries and venture where no debugger has gone before! By the light of the Guide and the glow of the trace, the stars and deployed apps shall reveal their secrets. To infinity, and beyond bugs! Make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on any new livestreams and observability content!

Debuggers Guide to the Galaxy - Promo Video

Grab your digital towel and embark on an intergalactic coding adventure with 'The Debuggers Guide to the Galaxy,' hosted by the serverless sage Yan Cui and the code-wielding DeveloperSteve. In a universe where devops are as perplexing as Vogon poetry and deployment seems guided by Infinite Improbability Drives, our hosts will guide you through the cosmic chaos. With introductions that defy normal spacetime and a dart container debugging session (using dartfrog) that's almost, but not quite, entirely out of this world.

Introducing the new Lumigo Live Tail

As developers, we understand the immense value of having real-time access to live traces. It significantly enhances our ability to identify, debug, and troubleshoot potential issues within applications, streamlining the development and deployment process. Today, we are excited to introduce the new and improved Live Tail feature at Lumigo, which enhances your observability experience to a whole other level.

Troubleshooting ECS Container Crashes

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a versatile platform that enables developers to build scalable and resilient applications using containers. However, containerized services, like Node.js applications, may face challenges like memory leaks, which can result in container crashes. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the process of identifying and addressing memory leaks in Node.js containers running on ECS. First, let’s look closer at what a memory leak is.

Kubernetes Troubleshooting Reimagined: Operators and Auto-Tracing

Kubernetes operators help to simplify, streamline, and automate application tasks beyond the conventional Kubernetes offerings. In this webinar, AWS Developer Advocate for Kubernetes, Lukonde Mwila, will delve into the remarkable capabilities of Kubernetes operators and how to leverage them in your applications. You’ll also learn how Lumigo built a Kubernetes operator for seamless distributed tracing leveraging OpenTelemetry. We will also demonstrate how our operator transforms complex processes into a single command, promising an unmatched user experience and exceptional app health insights.

Save money on Serverless: common costly mistakes and how to avoid them

When used properly, serverless technologies like AWS Lambda can lower the cost of running a system. This is because you only pay for these services when you’re using them, so you don’t waste any money. Serverless technologies also have other benefits. They can provide better security, built-in redundancy and scalability. The biggest plus is that they let you do more with less time and effort. You can focus on the things that directly add value to your business.

Kubernetes Troubleshooting with Operators and Auto-Tracing

Kubernetes has revolutionized the way we manage and deploy applications, but as with any system, troubleshooting can often be a daunting task. Even with the multitude of features and services provided by Kubernetes, when something goes awry, the complexity can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. This is where Kubernetes Operators and Auto-Tracing come into play, aiming to simplify the troubleshooting process.