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February 2022

How to Get Started Securing Your Internal Software Supply Chain

Defining, building, and delivering a secure software supply chain is challenging for many organizations. Software builds utilize many open source components, and the vast landscape of cloud native developer and platform tools grows more extensive and more diverse every day. Developers, operators, and security teams must work together to ensure software is delivered swiftly and securely to meet business and customer desires.

Announcing the General Availability of VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 1.5

In a world where organizations are often defined by the digital services they can deliver, it’s crucial for underlying IT infrastructure to move as quickly as the business demands. To support our customers with getting the most out of a Kubernetes powered environment, we continue to make enhancements to VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid. In this post we’ll discuss some of the new capabilities our customers will benefit from using in Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 1.5.

Tanzu Talk: "The year Kubernetes crossed the chasm" - the 2021 CNCF survey - cooking black beans

Coté looks through the most recent CNCF kubernetes and cloud native surveys, finding multi-cloud usage, kubernetes in production, and what people find difficult about kubernetes. Also, join him on BeanCam as he monitors actual, real-life black beans being cooked.

12-Factor Containerized Microservices: Leveraging VMware Tanzu and the Best of Kubernetes

At VMware, as we talk to enterprise customers about their application deployment patterns, challenges, and future requirements, we observe a common theme. Most of them are embarking on a modern application design and deployment path by using containers and Kubernetes as foundational technologies and by implementing their applications as microservices.

VMware Expands Cloud Foundry Investments for Tanzu Application Service

VMware continues to heavily invest in Cloud Foundry and Tanzu Application Service, VMware’s distribution of Cloud Foundry, to ensure it remains the best place to run business-critical applications. Let’s dive a little deeper to see these exciting investments in action.

This Is Not a Predictions Article! What's on the Minds of Your Peers and Tech Leaders for 2022

You have to make lots of technical, architectural, and organizational choices. Knowing what your peers, analysts, and tech leaders are thinking about can help you make decisions about where and how to invest your time, money, and energy. That’s why we’ve compiled this roundup of ideas from tech decision makers, leaders, and analysts to help you focus.

4 Reasons to Get Your Whole Team Involved in User Research

As a product designer at VMware Tanzu Labs, I’m often having conversations on the value of design in product development. I was discussing design with a client stakeholder one day and made the comment that “Nobody can tell who the designer is on my team.” At first, they were a bit confused by this statement. “Aren’t the designers the ones who create the designs of the product?” they said.

Progressive Updates to Cloud Native Apps Using Tanzu Service Mesh Traffic Management

Releasing new features seamlessly with no downtime in a rapidly evolving microservices-based application can be challenging. VMware Tanzu Service Mesh makes this process easier, removing much of the complexity involved with rolling out progressive updates to cloud native apps. Here we explain how it works.

Create and Manage Registry Secrets with VMware Tanzu Mission Control

Operators using VMware Tanzu Mission Control can now create and manage image registry secrets. This new feature of Tanzu Mission Control enables people to create image registry secrets in a single namespace and make them available for use by all namespaces in a cluster, providing a single place to manage all registry secrets for that cluster.

Secure Your Software Supply Chain with New VMware Tanzu Application Platform Capabilities

VMware Tanzu Application Platform is a modular, application-aware platform that gives developers a prepaved path to production for building and deploying software on any compliant public cloud or on-premises Kubernetes cluster. Designed to deliver a superior and secure developer experience, it makes the software supply chain even more secure with a suite of features, including vulnerability scanning, a software bill of materials, and image signing, and more.

Announcing General Availability of Application Transformer for VMware Tanzu

Today, I’m delighted to announce that Application Transformer for VMware Tanzu is now generally available. Application Transformer for Tanzu is a tool that aids in the discovery, analysis, and containerization of legacy applications, thus helping customers to simplify and accelerate their app modernization journeys by targeting their re-platforming strategy on the well-known “5 R” modernization framework.

VMware Announces Availability of Terraform Provider for Tanzu Mission Control

As more customers start to see the benefits of Kubernetes in orchestrating their containerized applications, VMware Tanzu Mission Control continues to evolve with new features that meet operational challenges. With the addition of Terraform provider support, Tanzu Mission Control enables increased DevOps velocity by offering an additional route to consistent deployments and management of Kubernetes.