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March 2023

What is Acceptable Packet Loss? 10% Packet Loss = 100x Slower

Are you familiar with the term "packet loss"? No, it's not when your postman loses your package, but it's when data packets go missing in the vast world of the Internet. And if you think losing just a few packets won't affect your internet speed, think again! Packet loss is a common occurrence in networked applications, and its impact on performance can vary depending on the application and network conditions.

Smooth Sailing: Ensuring Reliable Connectivity with Azure ExpressRoute Monitoring

Are you ready to set sail on a journey to reliable connectivity with Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute monitoring? Just like navigating the seas, sailing in the cloud can be a bumpy ride if you don't have the right tools to keep your ship on course. But fear not, because we're here to help you chart a course to success with Azure ExpressRoute monitoring!

The Watchful Eye: Microsoft Network Monitoring for Microsoft Teams, Office 365 & Azure

Do you ever feel like someone's watching you? Well, when it comes to your company's network, you should hope so! With so many people relying on Microsoft Teams, Office 365, and Azure to keep their businesses running smoothly, it's more important than ever to keep a watchful eye on your network. But who has the time to monitor everything 24/7?

How to Monitor Network and Zoom Performance & Fix "Your Internet Connection is Unstable" on Zoom

Laggy video, packet loss, and jitter make it difficult to have a clear and coherent conversation over Zoom - which is why it’s important to identify these Zoom issues before your next call. In this article, we’re teaching you how to monitor network performance and Zoom performance to help you have the clearest Zoom experience, and fix “Your Internet Connection is Unstable.”

Navigating the Cloud: A Fun Guide to AWS Direct Connect Monitoring

Welcome to the cloud! As businesses and organizations continue to adopt cloud computing, the need for reliable and secure connectivity has become increasingly important. That's where AWS Direct Connect monitoring comes in, allowing you to establish a private, high-speed connection between your on-premises data center and your AWS cloud resources. But, as with any network connection, there are bound to be performance issues and configuration challenges along the way.

Tame The Congestion Jungle: A Guide to Network Congestion Monitoring

Welcome to the jungle! No, we're not talking about the wild, untamed rainforest filled with exotic animals and hidden treasures. We're talking about the jungle of network congestion, where packets of data roam wild and free, causing chaos and confusion for anyone trying to navigate their way through. But fear not, fellow adventurers, for we have the ultimate guide to help you conquer the congestion jungle and emerge victorious on the other side.

How to Avoid The Network Traffic Jam: What is Network Congestion and How to Fix It

Have you ever found yourself staring at your screen, waiting for a webpage to load, or a file to download, only to be left frustrated by sluggish Internet speeds? It's like being stuck in a traffic jam during rush hour, with no end in sight. But instead of honking your horn and yelling at other drivers, you might be wondering what's causing the holdup. Well, fear not, fellow internet user, because the culprit might just be network congestion.

How To: SLA Monitoring & Reporting

Are you tired of feeling like you're in the dark about the services you're paying for? Are you getting what you paid for? Many businesses are in the same boat when it comes to Service Level Agreement (SLA) monitoring and reporting. It’s great having an SLA (or Service-Level Agreement) for the provision of a service, but you need to go further to really understand if the standards specified in the SLA are actually being met. That’s where SLA monitoring and reporting comes in.

The Need for Speed: How to Troubleshoot Network Slowness and Boost Your Connection

In the world of business, time is money. So when your network is running slower than a sloth on a rainy day, it's not just frustrating - it can be costly. From sluggish downloads and uploads to frustratingly slow web browsing, network slowness can bring even the most productive team to a grinding halt. But fear not! With a little know-how, you can troubleshoot network slowness and speed things up like a pro.

Network Optimization Strategies: How to Optimize Network Performance

Optimizing your network is the key to help improve network performance. It helps provide optimal performance of your Internet, VPN, Firewall, VoIP and UC apps, and most importantly - your user experience. Keep reading to learn how to optimize network performance for continuous network optimization.

Embark on an Epic Adventure: Mastering Viptela Network Monitoring Tools

Welcome, brave adventurer! Are you ready to embark on a journey through the mysterious and ever-evolving world of Viptela network monitoring? With its powerful tools and advanced metrics, Viptela offers a wealth of information and insights to help you keep your network running smoothly and securely. But to truly master these tools and unlock their full potential, you'll need to be willing to explore, experiment, and learn as you go.

How to Measure Latency: The Need for Speed (or Lack Thereof)

When monitoring network performance and health, latency measurements help you understand how quickly, or slowly, data is traveling across the network. This is why network latency monitoring is important to your overall network performance. In this article, we’re teaching you how to measure network latency using Obkio Network Monitoring.

The Fast and the Frustrated: A Guide to Troubleshooting and How to Improve Latency

Are you tired of waiting for your internet to catch up with the rest of the world? Does your network feel slower than a snail's pace at rush hour? Well, get ready to put the pedal to the metal because we're about to dive into the world of network latency troubleshooting! If you're feeling like your network is stuck in first gear while the rest of the world is zooming by, it's time to rev up your troubleshooting skills and take control of your latency issues.

How to Detect and Identify Intermittent Network Problems

We talk a lot about intermittent network problems. There’s a reason for that. Many network problems are intermittent, which means that they are sporadic, and much more difficult to pinpoint and troubleshoot than constant network problems. Picture this: You're in the middle of an important video conference call with a potential client when suddenly your network connection drops, leaving you stranded and looking like a pixelated mess on the other end. Sound familiar?

The Velocloud Network Monitoring Jigsaw Puzzle: Putting Your Network Pieces Together

Have you ever completed a jigsaw puzzle? If so, you know that it takes patience, focus, and attention to detail. Each piece plays a crucial role in completing the final picture, and missing even one piece can result in an incomplete and unsatisfactory result. In the same way, managing a network requires attention to detail and the ability to piece together all the different elements to ensure optimal performance.

Network Performance Monitoring Tools: Choose Your Fighter - Network Edition

Ladies and gentlemen, get ready to rumble! It's time to enter the ring and choose your fighter in the world of network performance monitoring tools. In this corner, we have the classic heavyweight contenders like SNMP and packet sniffers. And in the other corner, we have agile newcomers like synthetic monitoring and flow analysis. It's a battle of speed, precision, and power, and only one tool can come out on top.

How to Perform a Network Assessment Like A Network Detective

Are you ready to put on your detective hat and become a master network sleuth? We rely on our network to be the backbone of our businesses. From your Internet, to your VPN, to running VoIP and Unified Communication applications (like Zoom), networks have large responsibilities. But how can you know if your network is performing as it should be? That’s when you perform a network assessment.

What is Latency? The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Latency: Why it Matters, and How to Minimize It

“Would it save you a lot of time if I just gave up and went mad now?”― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy In today's digital world, we rely on fast and reliable internet connections for everything from business operations and communication. However, even the fastest internet connection can be slowed down by network delay, also known as latency.

Shooting for the Stars: Achieving Optimal Network Performance through Cisco SD-WAN Network Monitoring

Greetings, fellow network administrators. The Force has led you here, to this article on the path to Cisco SD-WAN network monitoring. The art of network administration is not unlike that of mastering the ways of the Force - it requires patience, discipline, and a deep understanding of the interconnected systems at play. Warning! No characters were harmed in the making of this article. We seek to achieve perfect balance in all aspects of our lives, including our networks.

Become a Hero: How to set up Fortigate SD-WAN Network Monitor and Save the Day!

Are you tired of dealing with slow network performance, dropped connections, and frustrated users? If so, you're not alone. These issues can be a major headache for IT professionals, but there are solutions for Fortigate SD-WAN Network Monitor. In this blog post, we'll show you how to become a hero by implementing Fortigate SD-WAN Network Monitor solutions and saving the day.

Get your Network in Fighting Shape with The Right Tools for Fortinet SD-WAN Monitoring

Are you ready to fight for your network's performance and reliability? Transitioning to SD-WAN technology can be challenging without proper network visibility. It's time to take the blindfold off and gain control over your network with SD-WAN monitoring. Don't let a lack of visibility hold you back from reaching your goals. With SD-WAN monitoring, you can track your network's progress, identify areas for improvement, and ensure it meets your expectations.

SD-WAN Monitoring Survival Guide: Be the Master of Your Network

SD-WAN technology is a hot topic in the networking world, with many businesses transitioning to SD-WAN networks for the promise of improved performance and reliability. However, after migrating, numerous companies find themselves lacking in SD-WAN network visibility. This makes it difficult to identify and address performance issues and determine whether their SD-WAN service is meeting expectations. Are you tired of feeling like you're driving blindfolded when it comes to your company's network?

Network Availability Monitoring: Understanding the Differences Between Client Expectations vs. SLAs

Network downtime can have a significant impact on business operations, leading to lost revenue and diminished customer trust. As a result, network availability monitoring has become increasingly crucial for businesses of all sizes. However, when it comes to monitoring network availability, it is essential to understand the differences between client expectations and service level agreements (SLAs).