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June 2021

Reducing microservice overhead with shared libraries

It’s a common story: the product team gets early success and grows into a large monolithic code base. While everything is in a single code base, features can be added quickly. This is partly due to the ability to leverage shared code across each feature in the codebase. When your team is adding a new feature, a developer can leverage the existing codebase for needs such as logging or special error handling.

Securing pipelines through secret management

Secrets management plays a critical role in keeping your pipelines and applications secure. While secrets management tools help, you need to implement best practices and processes to successfully manage secrets in a DevOps environment. Standardizing, automating and integrating these processes also helps secure secrets by reducing the chance of human error.

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3 ways to motivate your developer team with metrics

Metrics are essential to assess how developer teams and organisations can work smarter and improve software delivery as a whole. Execution metrics, including the likes of throughput, delivery and number of deploys, are mostly looked at to determine how a team performs, and if overall, they are efficient. But, while useful, these metrics alone can sometimes be a distraction. For individuals, they may not be inspiring to achieve, and for businesses, they may not provide a complete picture of results - at least not without connecting them to a bigger goal or vision.

The Confident Commit | Episode 5: Software engineering with a purpose ft. Brad Henrickson

Rob is joined by Brad Henrickson to discuss the interaction between human motivations and delivering great software. Brad and Rob dive into the leadership skill of cultivating space for employees to share their work motivations as a means to operating well together. Tune in today! Subscribe to The Confident Commit Podcast playlist for alerts to new episodes published bi-weekly. The Confident Commit: A podcast for developers, engineering managers, and business leaders alike to join in the conversation on how to deliver software better and faster.

Continuously deploy Rust applications

Rust, a blazing fast and memory-efficient language, made its first appearance about ten years ago. Rust has gained a lot of momentum recently with the popularity of WebAssembly, a language that allows languages like C++, C, and Rust to run in web browsers. This enables developers to build highly performant applications and provide web apps with native functionalities that are not available on the web platform. In this tutorial, you will learn how to deploy a Rust application to a hosting platform.

Continuously deploy custom images to an Azure container registry

The Azure container registry is Microsoft’s own hosting platform for Docker images. It is a private registry where you can store and manage private docker container images and other related artifacts. These images can then be pulled and run locally or used for container-based deployments to hosting platforms. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a custom docker image and continuously deploy it to an Azure container registry.

The Confident Commit | Episode 4: Systems and Flow with Elisabeth Hendrickson

Rob interviews Elisabeth Hendrickson on the best practices of system and flow. Elisabeth shares how to get your team to understand the system of software delivery and how to measure success properly. Subscribe to The Confident Commit Podcast playlist for alerts to new episodes published bi-weekly. The Confident Commit: A podcast for developers, engineering managers and business leaders alike to join in the conversation on how to deliver software better and faster.

Completing the security testing automation cycle

DevOps, DevSecOps and CI/CD are synonymous with one word - automation. Automating their workflows gives developers the ability to deliver consistency, time savings, and useful insights into their software development life cycle (SDLC). But automation is only as efficient as your weakest link or most cumbersome bottleneck, which can sometimes be security testing. Security testing has traditionally been carried out either manually or quite late in the process.

Automate and scale your CI/CD with CircleCI orbs

For the past two and a half years as a Solutions Engineer at CircleCI, I’ve had the distinct pleasure of working with some of CircleCI’s largest customers to help them instill healthy CI/CD practices into their development processes. Leading-edge organizations are trying to make sure that their applications are scalable, reliable, and secure. Shipping products to users quickly and reliably is imperative to gaining a competitive edge.

The startup founders' guide to software delivery

Software delivery on a team of 2 people is vastly different from software delivery on a team of 200. Over the growth of a startup, processes and tool choices will evolve naturally - but either optimizing too early or letting them evolve without a picture of where you’re headed can cost you in time and agility later. That’s why I want to talk to you about how to evolve your delivery process with purpose.

How to build a team that demands metrics

When we talk about metrics in software delivery, a lot of developers think of execution metrics — things like throughput, delivery and number of deploys. But in reality, those metrics don’t motivate anyone — at least not without connecting them to a bigger picture. I’ve worked in software for 23 years. I’m a three-time founder and four-time CTO, responsible for leading a 200+ member distributed engineering organization.