Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

May 2024

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The end of SAP Solution Manager and what it means for you

End of support for ECC seems to consume the oxygen in the room lately, but a less covered topic might be more critical and have a larger near term impact on large enterprises planning or in flight with S/4 migration projects. This event is potentially more disruptive than the end of support for ECC, directly impacting the ability of customers to continue IT operations for SAP.

Nagarro goes from manual monitoring to full automation with Avantra

Nagarro has been a valued customer for over ten years. Here's their story... Nagarro started with the Avantra platform's monitoring capabilities and today, have reached full automation. An achievement which offers this large managed service provider real competitive advantage. Now, the custom checks allow Nagarro to eliminate manual work and focus their teams on delivering great customer service and strategic projects.