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July 2022

A Complete Guide to Asset Management for Education Sector 2022

Hey there. What do you feel about taking a trip back in time? Let’s say we go back 20 years; you probably remember seeing your school’s shelves and cupboards brimming and overflowing with records and books. And below it would be the years or categories. Having to scour through the load would take a substantial amount of time, not to forget a lot of patience. Imagine browsing through all those records, it could take you anywhere from minutes to hours to find what you were looking for.

Asset Lifecycle: Definition & Key Stages in 2023

Revenue is a term indispensable in corporate talk. As it’s the largest number on the profit and loss statement for the company, revenue is frequently referred to as “the top line.” And business owners and managers are very attentive to this statistic. Businesses in all asset-intensive industries, particularly the power and utility sectors, are under increasing pressure to deliver better customer service, improve equipment uptime, and advance performance predictability.

Why is channel sales important?

In today’s Geo Economics and a truly globalized world, it has become easier for products and services to reach consumers and industry alike. To reach the customers and consumers directly can be expensive and an operational challenge as it would require a large workforce to sell, deploy, and service the products/ services. For a growing organization, the initial focus is towards acquiring customers, expanding market reach, providing a good customer experience, and containing costs at the same time.

Best practices for effective asset tagging in 2022

When your company has hundreds or even thousands of physical assets, it’s essential to know where these assets are located and their operational status. Otherwise, you have to deal with outages and compliance issues that can create drastic business implications. From computer monitors to industrial equipment, tracking and controlling your assets with asset tags is critical to your company’s bottom line.

What Is an Asset Tag? A Complete Guide to the Asset Tagging Process

Are you a company that has assets in the hundreds? Maybe even in the thousands? If so, knowing the location and operational status of your company’s physical assets is imperative. It may sound repetitive, but we can’t overstate that your company’s profitability depends on being able to identify, manage, and control all of your assets. Physical assets are frequently used, sold, repaired, upgraded, removed, or even stolen.

A complete guide to Asset auditing & best practices

Asset management is an evolving process as enterprises face increasing compliance and regulatory requirements. Enterprises also continue to expand their asset inventory as part of their growth and work with multiple vendors and third parties. This diverse range of assets is best managed with a centralized asset management platform that covers asset monitoring, including accurate auditing.

What is QoS

Quality of Service (QoS) uses methods or technologies on networks to control traffic and ensure the performance of critical applications with limited network capacity. It enables organizations to adjust their overall network traffic by prioritizing specific high-performance applications. Your internet connection is like a highway where different types of vehicles travel to reach their destination. Your car drivers, truckers, average commuters, and emergency services vehicles all share the same lanes.

How I went from a UX designer to starting two companies that solve the biggest ITOps challenges

In 2005, I started my career as a UX designer. A few years in, I was fiercely passionate about the little things that made a piece of software friendly and usable. Before working on the designs, I wanted to understand how the product works and what it could potentially do for the customer. I felt it was a part of the process. But soon, I grew more interested in how products can help achieve business differentiation.

Everything to Know About Server Management Software

With technologies like multi-cloud environments fueling the growth and operations of all global businesses, these servers must remain in their best possible condition. Businesses have moved towards automating the performance monitoring of their system health through dedicated software called Server Management Software. Server management software helps businesses optimize their existing IT infrastructure.

How well are you handling your software asset management?

The process of managing software assets has become challenging. It requires a lot of work to track each asset’s lifecycle, from the time it has been acquired and installed until renewal or disposal, given the number of software programs even small-sized businesses utilize. IT, Ops, and business teams are under increased pressure to manage their software applications well as firms step up their attempts to undergo digital transformation.

How Help Desk Software is Important for Your Business

Having a unified central help desk software has multidimensional benefits for businesses. Helpdesk software offers a robust solution by creating a definite workflow to raise tickets and seek interventions. This is much better than having disparate systems with no role definitions as such. Customer interactions help cement relations, ultimately contributing to brand building in a big way.

Are you looking to establish yourself as a Managed IT Service Provider? Here's what you need to know before setting up your company!

As an IT solution provider, you must walk a fine line between generating revenue and maintaining your team while providing the best possible service for your clients. However, you must have a sufficient budget and develop long-term strategies to attain all of these. Furthermore, when you’re operating on a break-fix model, all these tasks can be challenging.

Link Monitoring: A Comprehensive Guide to Network Optimization

Links are the plugs, sockets, cables, and electrical signals traveling through a network. Every link implies a function. At the hardware level, electronic signals activate functions; data are read, written, transmitted, received, checked for error, etc. At the software level, instructions activate the hardware (access methods, data link protocols, etc.). At higher levels, the data transferred or transmitted may request functions to be performed (client/ server, program-to-program, etc.).

Customer Success vs. Customer Service: Key differences

In today’s highly competitive world of SaaS solutions and B2B services, the phrases “Customer Success” and “Customer Support” are tossed about like cards on a poker table. Both are necessary for a company’s or brand’s success. Customer success and customer support differ in their approach: one is proactive, while the other is reactive. Using these phrases interchangeably might lead to misunderstandings outside and inside your company.

Is Customer Success cutting-edge in the age of B2B and SaaS?

It’s no secret that you’ll need a solid product and a good sales and marketing team for your company to expand. However, to maintain this growth, one must stay ahead of the game in this constantly evolving industry. In SaaS and B2B worlds, Customer Success is the avant-garde and for all the right reasons. Customer Success is evaluated by adjusting one’s business to evolving customer expectations, social trends, and economic realities.