Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

May 2024

Simplify Log Management Across Any Cloud

Developers waste countless hours managing logs and juggling tools. Control Plane centralizes log management, making it easy to filter and analyze logs from apps running on any cloud: AWS, Azure, GCP, on-prem, etc. In this video, we demonstrate how Control Plane simplifies log management for your applications deployed across any cloud (or multi-cloud). We showcase the intuitive Log QL query language, built-in Grafana integration, and the flexibility to ship logs to your favorite external log providers like Datadog, S3, Elastic, and CloudWatch.

Mix-n-Match ANY combination of services from AWS, GCP and Azure

Say goodbye to cloud lock-in and hello to endless possibilities! In this walkthrough, you'll learn how to avoid vendor lock-in and optimize costs by mixing and matching services from AWS, GCP, Azure -- as if these clouds have merged. Control Plane's Universal Cloud Identity® makes it easy to consume any combination of cloud services and craft the ideal cloud environment while running apps on-premises or on any cloud, in any region.