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February 2021

10 Ways to Protect Your Mission-Critical Database

As Werner Vogels says: “Everything fails all the time.” Data is the new oil. We rely on it not only to make decisions but to operate as a business in general. Data loss can lead to significant financial consequences and damaged reputation. In this article, you can find ten actionable methods to protect your most valuable resources.

Show Your Query You Love It By Naming It

Honeycomb is all about collaboration: We believe that observability is a team sport, and we want to give you as many tools to help your team get the ball down the field (i.e., untangle knotty problems) as we can. We want you to be able to share the current state of your work so that others can follow and figure out what’s up, and we want you to leave breadcrumbs so the next time you’re stuck here, you can find your way back.

The next Big Thing in Azure Database Monitoring Landscape

Today’s applications are expected to be highly responsive and always online. Such circumstances excite the pressure on applications to respond in real-time to large changes in usage at peak hours, store ever-increasing volumes of data and make it available in milliseconds. Azure Database Services comes to rescue in such situations, and Azure supports many industry-standard databases and APIs.

SQL Server deployments: Which Redgate tools should you use?

Since 1999, we’ve been developing tools at Redgate to support database deployments for SQL Server. In the past couple of years, we’ve increased our effort in this space by further developing our proprietary technologies based on SQL Compare, and acquiring others like Flyway, the most popular database migration engine. As a result, we now offer tools which provide more options for SQL Server and also support deployments for 20 different database systems.

Detailed Beginners Guide To NoSQL vs SQL

While SQL has been the big dog since the 70s in terms of database management, NoSQL has really come into its own since the late 2000s. In fact, NoSQL has become a powerful and important tool for data analysis and data scientists. To that end, we wanted to take a look at what NoSQL actually is, what are the benefits over SQL, and what are the different data models.

7 Things DBAs Should Do Before Going On Holiday

Thanks to 2020, many of us don't remember the last time we took a holiday or vacation. If you were able to get away from the office, kudos to you. Hopefully, 2021 will be kinder to us, and we can take some time to recharge. Whether you're a veteran DBA standing watch over million-dollar, mission-critical database systems or a jack-of-all-trades who maintains your organization's SQL Servers, Windows Servers, and all the other corporate IT assets, everyone deserves to take a relaxing holiday.

Architecting Database Dev and Test Environments: Best Practices and Anti-Patterns for SQL Server

Many organizations use out-of-date architecture patterns for developing relational databases which are a pain to manage, slow developers down, and limit testing and innovation. It’s time to modernize these environments and improve standards for database development. In the years I worked as a consultant specializing in SQL Server administration and tuning, I frequently fielded questions from customers about how to best manage databases in development and test environments.

Grafana - How to read Graphite Metrics

Before getting started on how to read Graphite metrics, let us first dive into understanding what Grafana is all about. In a nutshell, Grafana is an open source analytics and monitoring solution, developed and supported by Grafana Labs. It allows you to query, display graphs and set alerts on your time-series metrics no matter where the data is stored.

Cloud and On-Premises Database Monitoring Best Practices

SolarWinds product experts present a visual overview of cloud and on-premises database monitoring best practices using SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer (DPA) and Database Performance Monitor (DPM). They will cover high-level monitoring in DPA by looking at correlation tabs, such as resources, virtualization, and blocking, and will demonstrate how to create example alerts that can look at this data.

Using the SQL Change Automation PowerShell cmdlets with Jenkins

In this video you’ll get an overview of how Redgate’s SQL Change Automation PowerShell module can plug into Jenkins using pipeline-as-code to build and deploy your SQL Server Databases. For more information, feel free to email in, leave a comment below or visit the Redgate website!

Securing SQL Server with DoD STIGs

Making sure your SQL Servers are secured against malicious users is difficult. How can you know that you’ve done enough? How do you know you’re protected from the things that actually worry you? The United States Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) publishes a set of guidelines for organizations securing different pieces of software that connect to the US Department of Defense’s networks (DoD).