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Complete Guide to tracing Kafka clients with OpenTelemetry in Go

OpenTelemetry can be used to trace Go applications that use Kafka to find performance issues and bugs. OpenTelemetry is an open-source project under the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) that aims to standardize the generation and collection of telemetry data. Telemetry data includes logs, metrics, and traces. Apache Kafka introduced the ability to add headers to Kafka messages from version 0.11 onwards.

Webinar | What's new with Aiven platform

This is your chance to hear directly from Jonah Kowall, the VP of Product Management at Aiven, as he takes you on a journey through our dynamic platform and highlights the latest advancements we've made in the past six months. Not only will you get an exclusive look at all the exciting new features, but you'll also discover the contributions Aiven has made to open source communities like Kafka, OpenSearch, and PostgreSQL.

How to monitor Kafka and Confluent Cloud with Elastic Observability

The blog will take you through best practices to observe Kafka-based solutions implemented on Confluent Cloud with Elastic Observability. (To monitor Kafka brokers that are not in Confluent Cloud, I recommend checking out this blog.) We will instrument Kafka applications with Elastic APM, use the Confluent Cloud metrics endpoint to get data about brokers, and pull it all together with a unified Kafka and Confluent Cloud monitoring dashboard in Elastic Observability.

Streaming conversion of Apache Kafka topics from JSON to Avro with Apache Flink

Pushing data in JSON format to an Apache Kafka topic is very common. However, dealing with messages not having a predefined structure can create some problems, specifically when trying to sink the data via connectors, like the JDBC sink, which require the knowledge of the message structure. Transforming the messages from JSON to AVRO can enforce a schema on messages and allow the usage of a bigger variety of connectors.