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Removing ad trackers and cookies - the technical perspective

Sentry recently completed a multi-month project to remove all non-essential cookies and trackers from our public websites. For more context, see two blog posts that offer differing perspectives on the project: one from our marketing team, another from our legal team, and a third blog post that explains our privacy values and our ultimate motivation.

The Forensics Of React Server Components (RSCs)

In this article, we’re going to look deeply at React Server Components (RSCs). They are the latest innovation in React’s ecosystem, leveraging both server-side and client-side rendering as well as streaming HTML to deliver content as fast as possible. We will get really nerdy to get a full understanding of how RFCs fit into the React picture, the level of control they offer over the rendering lifecycle of components, and what page loads look like with RFCs in place.

5 easy tips to improve your personal website performance

If you’re a developer, you need a personal website. While billionaire-owned, algorithm-based social media platforms arbitrarily decide what people should and should not see on their timelines, there’s no better time for you to carve out your own cozy corner on the web and own your content.

Building for the Fortune 500,000: 80% to go...

To the Sentry community - It was sixteen years ago that David Cramer pushed the first commit to a side project, and twelve years ago when he and Chris Jennings turned this side project into a company that exists to solve a simple problem: making debugging any software issue dead simple. Since then, we’ve been on a path slightly different from what most people consider “observability.” Sentry isn’t a platform or a company that wants to collect logs and check a monitoring box.

Introducing the User Feedback Widget- The easiest way to connect with your users

Sentry is pretty good at capturing all your production issues. But sometimes your user hits an issue that doesn’t fire an exception – maybe a broken link, problem with their permissions, or even something as simple as a grammatical error in copy. Sentry won’t capture those, but you should probably know about them so you can fix them.

Sentry on Sentry: How Metrics saved us $160K

If you know me, you know I care about fast code. Recently, I ran a simple query that revealed that we spend almost $160k a year on one task. Luckily, we launched the Metrics beta back in March. Over the last month or so, 10 of us Sentry engineers collaborated across many functions to leverage Metrics to track custom data points and pinpoint the issue leading to this ridiculous ingestion cost.

Why don't we talk about minifying CSS anymore?

Minifying your CSS helps improve your website performance. But as developers, we don’t really talk about minifying CSS anymore. Why? The TL;DR is that the delivery and optimization of CSS have both been improved with modern tech stacks, making it practically a non-issue. The efficient and performant delivery of CSS is largely solved by HTTP/2 and modern compression algorithms, whilst modern front end frameworks take care of the boring optimization jobs such as code-splitting and minification.

Your background images might be causing CLS

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is where the layout of a web page unexpectedly shifts after the initial content loads and new content pops in. At its best, it’s a little inconvenient. At its worst, it’s an accidental click of a “BUY NOW” button that suddenly appeared under your mouse cursor after an ad loaded, resulting in an unwanted purchase.

Small improvements add up to big updates at Sentry

It’s the little things that can make a big difference. While we announced significant product updates like Autofix and Metrics (to name a few) during Launch Week, we couldn’t cover everything. Over the past few months, we shipped updates to the core platform, improvements to the developer workflow, and a series of quality-of-life features. The sum of these small improvements add up to big updates across Sentry that help make your production issues even more debuggable.

Monitor Supabase databases and Edge Functions

When cloud service providers first started popping up, many developers were “wowed” by being able to spin up and scale all kinds of infrastructure to deploy their web applications on demand. However, big-box cloud service providers are often complex to use, scaling out is expensive and default monitoring solutions are not very insightful. Besides, we are spoiled developers, and we expect things to be easy.