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Popular CSS preprocessors with examples: Sass, Less, Stylus and more

As a stylesheet language, CSS has limited capabilities when it comes to writing logic, organizing code, and performing other computational tasks. CSS preprocessors provide a solution to this problem. While CSS has improved a lot in recent years with the introduction of custom and logical properties, math and color functions, new pseudo-classes, and other enhancements, there are still many good reasons to use CSS preprocessors.
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The 29 best DevOps tools for 2023 and beyond

The integration of Development and Operations is a powerful innovation in how we build software. If you're new to DevOps practices, or looking to improve your current processes, it can be tough to know which tool is best for your team. We've put together this list to help you make an informed decision on which tools should be part of your stack. Read on to discover the 29 best DevOps tools, from automated build tools to application performance monitoring platforms.

API update: User invitations

Today, we’re excited to share the latest endpoint release for the Raygun API, user invitations. With this release, customers can now use the API to automate the process of inviting new team members to Raygun. With unlimited seats included in every Raygun account, one of the best ways to get the most out of Raygun is to add more team members to your plan.

Core Web Vitals update: Adjustments to LCP (and INP)

Google has shared small but important adjustments to the way LCP is assessed. LCP, or Largest Contentful Paint, measures how quickly a page appears to load from the user’s perspective. More specifically, this is the time for the main content to be painted or the “render time of the largest image or text block visible within the viewport”. You’ll get a “Good” score when the load time of this content is 2.5 seconds or less.

Common C# exceptions and how to fix them

C# is a powerful programming language, but like all code, comes with its fair share of errors. Even experienced developers can find themselves stumped when they encounter a strange exception or error code. Fortunately, with the right knowledge and techniques, you can tackle any C# exception. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the most common exceptions in C# programming and how they can be fixed.

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Debugging tips for common issues with cloud-based applications

Debugging in a cloud environment can be tricky, as it involves multiple layers of abstraction and virtualization. Unlike traditional on-premise environments, cloud environments are highly distributed and dynamic, making it challenging to identify and troubleshoot issues. One of the biggest challenges with debugging cloud applications is the need for more visibility into the underlying infrastructure and the complexity of the application architecture. Fortunately, pinpointing and resolving the cause of the issue is much more manageable with server-side monitoring, detailed error reporting and cloud debugging solutions.

Java performance optimization tips: How to avoid common pitfalls

In this post, we’ll be delving into Java performance optimization, providing you with essential tips to write faster and more efficient code. If you’re reading this, you’re probably already aware of the importance of performance engineering and the need to optimize your code to ensure speed for all users, but even the most seasoned and performance-aware programmers can get tripped up.
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Building vs. buying a digital experience monitoring tool

It's usually possible, and often tempting, to build your own tools. For engineers in particular, there's a strong appeal to having total control over a custom-built product that will perfectly meet your specific requirements. Raygun itself originally came from an internal tool we built to monitor errors in a different product. But as our business matured and we started to think more strategically, we recognized the hidden, lingering costs to our DIY approach, and began to believe that internal tools were a misuse of the time and skills of our development team.

Essential digital experience metrics for development teams

For the team that’s down in the trenches untangling legacy code, writing unit tests, and just trying to come up with sensible variable names, it’s easy to lose sight of the other end of the process, where code meets customer. You test, you deploy, nothing breaks, and you move on. However, it’s just as important to keep an eye on code quality in production, and how it’s experienced. Experience, though, is hard to quantify. What do you measure? How do you measure it?

The 2023 guide to React debugging

As React is the most popular JavaScript framework for creating component-based applications, you have access to a solid ecosystem of tools, resources, and best practices that can help with React debugging when something goes wrong. To create a high-quality React application, you can’t skip over the debugging phase of your software development life cycle including everything from addressing error messages coming up in the development phase to monitoring live errors in production.