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Mocha vs Jasmine, Chai, Sinon & Cucumber in 2024

Javascript has been enabling browsers for years, and for better or for worse, the internet is made of JS. NodeJS brought it to the server side. TypeScript has wrapped familiar object-oriented, statically-typed syntax around it. Anywhere you look, you’ll find Javascript: on the client, server, mobile, and embedded systems.

Transitioning from lz4net to K4os.Compression.LZ4

At Raygun, we’re processing billions of events per month for our customers, so it’s well worthwhile looking for the most efficient data storage solutions. Way back when we started out, we chose lz4net to store data, which served our purposes well for many years. As we grew, though, we realized this was getting expensive, and was starting to undermine our business model. This post is focused on how we made the switch to the K4os.Compression.LZ4 rewrite, attaining significant performance gains.

Best practices for writing clean, maintainable JavaScript

The world’s biggest language comes with a huge collection of conventions and guidelines from the community’s collective wisdom. Following JavaScript best practices can help achieve faster page loads and better performance, improve code readability, and make maintenance and debugging easier. Carefully crafted code can also prevent errors and security issues, especially if it’s complemented with real-time diagnostic tools such as JavaScript error monitoring.

Proactive error management: Collaborate effectively and work smarter with tags

Talking to many of our customers with different needs and use cases, one particular issue comes up all the time. When I’m seeing so many error groups in my app and so many error notifications in my inbox every day, it’s easy to end up feeling overwhelmed. I want a more proactive system to alert me to which errors need attention and when, so that I can stop getting buried. Does this hit home?
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Taking down (and restoring) the Raygun ingestion API

In a world where Software as a Service (SaaS) products are integral to daily life, maintaining uninterrupted service for end-users is paramount. However, stuff happens. When it does, our most valuable response (other than restoring service ASAP) is to review the series of events that led up to the incident and learn from them. On August 25th, 2023, at 7:02 AM NZT, Raygun experienced a significant incident that impacted our API ingestion cluster, leading to an outage lasting approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. While this wasn't fun for anyone involved, this incident did prove to be a valuable learning experience, shedding light on the importance of infrastructure management and resilience.

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Better CI/CD with GitHub Actions and deployment tracking

Understanding the impact of each of your deployments is crucial, especially as they become increasingly frequent. Chances are, your team is either aiming to increase shipping velocity or has already started deploying "continuously" (which is to say, multiple times a day). The biggest tech teams at the likes of Amazon and Google deploy thousands of times daily, and Atlassian has found that 75% of enterprise DevOps teams call deployment frequency their most important success criteria. And while CD comes with a host of well-established benefits, it also introduces a heightened risk of introducing new errors and issues.

Adding a CDN to a load balancer (for a much faster website)

Here at Raygun, we like to go fast. Really fast. That’s what we do! When we see something that isn’t zooming, we try to figure out how to make it go faster. So today, we’re answering a simple (and relevant) question; how do we make our public site, raygun.com, much, much faster? The answer, at first glance, is simple—we build it into a Content Delivery Network (CDN).

The hidden impact of cache locality on application performance

My favorite technical experience from grad school was all the cool ways we were trying to squeeze every last bit of performance out of the IBM JVM (now called Eclipse OMR). The majority of such optimizations required an intricate understanding of how CPUs and memories look under the hood. But why is there such an impressive performance gain in padding objects with blank space to the closest multiple of 64 bytes and ensuring they always start at addresses that are exactly divisible with 64?
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Part one: 7 must-know object-oriented software patterns (and their pitfalls)

Object-oriented (not orientated!) design is a fundamental principle of modern software engineering, a crucial concept that every developer needs to understand and employ effectively. Software design patterns like object-oriented design serve as universal solutions to common problems, across a range of instances and domains. As software engineers advance in their careers, they actually often start using these patterns instinctively, even without knowing it.