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Ultimate Guide: How to Monitor Any Changes in File and Folder in a File Server

If protecting your file server's integrity is crucial, mastering how to monitor any changes in files and folders in a file server becomes a top priority. This guide takes you through critical steps to track alterations, set up security audits, and employ third-party software for advanced monitoring. Whether facing internal policy compliance or external cyber threats, learn how to immediately detect and react to any unauthorized change to maintain the security of your data.

Isolation: A New Wave of Experiences to Help Teams Work Side by Side

Cribl offers a suite of tools designed to optimize data pipelines, with different components tailored for managing and orchestrating data flows at scale across different teams and data sources. One of the biggest problems with building and running a multi-team data engine is isolation. This blog will cover how we at Cribl have handled the challenge of data, configuration, and access isolation for growing teams.

A beginner's guide to performance monitoring: What you need to know

Having a fast and reliable website or app is super important. Users want things to load quickly, and if they don't, they get frustrated and might leave. This is where performance monitoring can help. Performance monitoring means keeping an eye on how your website or app is working. It involves tracking things like how fast pages load, how often the site is up, and if there are any slowdowns. By monitoring these things, you can find and fix problems before your users even notice them.

Virtualizing Our Storage Engine

Our storage engine, affectionately known as Retriever, has served us faithfully since the earliest days of Honeycomb. It’s a tool that writes data to disk and reads it back in a way that’s optimized for the time series-based queries our UI and API makes. Its architecture has remained mostly stable through some major shifts in the surrounding system it supports, notably including our 2021 implementation of a new data model for environments and services.

What is SaaS Ops? SaaS Operations Meaning, Challenges, and Best Practices

SaaS is everywhere. And that’s often a good thing (hello, productivity!). However, plenty of shadow IT statistics demonstrate why that’s not always the case and clarify the need for SaaS Ops. For example, Security Magazine found that 31% of ex-employees still have access to their old employer’s SaaS tools. That stat’s cybersecurity and compliance implications are enough to make a CISO shudder!

Simple Steps To Test And Optimize Your Microsoft Teams Video And Audio

Pixelated cameras, robot voices, tinny sound coming out of your speakers. This is the peak Teams experience when your settings aren’t on point, and your hardware doesn’t cut the mustard. Here are the simple steps to get on top of your Microsoft Teams video and audio quality as well as how to make it better in your whole company.

The Top 9 Open Source Website Monitoring Tools in 2024

Are you struggling to keep your website up and running smoothly? Do you need a reliable way to monitor its performance and ensure it stays up and running? If so, you’re in the right place. This article will explore the world of open-source website monitoring tools and how they can benefit your business.

What Are the Best Practices for Quality Control in Injection Molding?

Have you ever wondered if there's a foolproof method to ensure the quality of your injection-molded products? Well, the key might lie in mastering the best practices for quality control in injection molding. From closely monitoring crucial process parameters to employing cutting-edge testing techniques, there are proven strategies that can make or break the success of your manufacturing process. Companies like Kemal Precision Manufacturing exemplify these practices, showing how they can elevate the quality of your final products. Let's explore together.

Implementing Secure File Transfer Protocol: Best Practices for IT Security

In the digital era, the secure transfer of data is paramount for organizations across all sectors. With the rise of cyber threats, implementing a Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) has become a critical aspect of IT security strategies. SFTP provides a secure channel for transferring files between hosts, ensuring that sensitive information remains confidential and intact. This article outlines best practices for implementing SFTP.