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Milestones and Memories: Celebrating 20 Years of Nexthink

We’ve had a fantastic month celebrating 20 years of Nexthink and taking time to reflect on the people, products, and innovations that have shaped the company. Today, Nexthink is a category creator, an industry defining brand reshaping how IT teams manage the digital workplace. But that wasn’t always the case. Let's take a moment to recap some of our favourite content from the month celebrating the last 20 years of Nexthink.

How To Ensure a Successful Database Upgrade

Ensuring smooth transitions during application upgrades are important. Maintaining system consistency and stability with a database upgrade is paramount. Databases are complex systems with numerous stored procedures, each intricately linked to critical functionalities. Changes to these procedures during an upgrade could potentially disrupt overall system performance and negatively impact thousands of customers.

The Top 10 System Monitoring Tools

System monitoring can be viewed as being closely related to infrastructure monitoring, but there are differences between the two concepts, particularly with their scopes within the realm of IT monitoring. Infrastructure monitoring concentrates on monitoring the physical and virtual components of an IT environment, such as servers, networks, storage systems, and cloud services.

Have You Done Your Spring Cleaning (Of Agents)?

While spring is traditionally the time for tidying up for most folks, IT and Security teams know it is important always to maintain a clean, streamlined environment. However, we understand that doesn’t always happen with growing data volumes, stagnant budgets, and changing organizational priorities. This blog is to help you understand if you are properly overdue for a clean-up.

Parallelizing with Playwright: A Scalable Win for Cribl.Cloud

An oft-forgotten component of robust, production-ready code is testing. The moat protects us from costly service interruptions and fortifies trust in our product with our customers. Simply put, it’s in the critical path of damn good software. However, as we scale a cloud product to serve a rapidly growing user base, our test case scenarios scale correspondingly. As far as testing goes, end-to-end (E2E) testing most closely mirrors the end-user experience.
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EventSentry Security, Security, Security!

Everybody wants to have a more secure network – and everybody has various tools at their disposal to at least improve the security of their network. But which tool is the best for the job, and where do you start? The answer to this question is somewhat easier (and more structured) for organizations that have to adhere to compliance frameworks (ISO, CMMC, PCI, SOC, …), but a little harder for business that have no such requirements.

Update on Cisco and Splunk Observability, Better Together

Eight weeks. When someone asks me about the synergies of Cisco + Splunk with regards to full-stack observability, I think about how much we’ve accomplished in just eight weeks. Eight weeks since the close of the acquisition, our teams have already come together to jointly develop, and will deliver, a new capability for enabling observability across the entire digital footprint for both Cisco and Splunk customers.

How to export any Grafana visualization to a CSV file, Microsoft Excel, or Google Sheets

Grafana dashboards are a great way to combine a lot of technical information into one convenient picture. From time to time, it’s also useful to export data from a particular Grafana visualization to another format, so you can further analyze it and share it with others. In this blog post, we’ll walk through how to export CSV data for any Grafana visualization you use. This makes it easy to get that data into popular spreadsheet applications, such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. =

Time's Up! How RPKI ROAs Perpetually Are About to Expire

In RPKI, determining when exactly a ROA expires is not a simple question. In this post, BGP experts Doug Madory and Fastly’s Job Snijders discuss the difference between the expiration dates embedded inside ROAs and the much shorter effective expiration dates used by validators. Furthermore, we analyze how the behavior effective expiration dates change over time due to implementation differences in the chain of certificate authorities.

Telemetry Data Compliance Module

Telemetry data sent from applications often contains Personally Identifying Information (PII) like names, user IDs, phone numbers, and other information that must be obfuscated before the data is sent to storage or observability tools, in order to be in compliance with corporate or government policies such as HIPAA in the US or the GDPR in the EU.