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Feature Friday #11: namespaces

Did you know that CFEngine has namespaces? Let’s see how they can facilitate policy sharing while avoiding “duplicate definitions of bundle” errors. Most of the Masterfiles Policy Framework (MPF) and policy examples for CFEngine use the default namespace. However, body file control allows you to specify a namespace that applies for the rest of the file or until it’s set again by another body file control.

Modern Egress Gateway: Assign stable IPs to traffic leaving Kubernetes clusters

Whether an enterprise is migrating its legacy application to a cloud-native architecture or deploying a new cloud-native application, it will face the challenge of integrating with security tools such as firewalls that rely on a stable network identity for security configuration. This is due to the fact that cloud-native workloads aren’t guaranteed to have a fixed network identity.

The Complete Guide to FIPS Compliance for Your Organization

Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) compliance plays a critical role in setting the standards for encryption and security that safeguard sensitive information. As your organization increasingly relies on digital infrastructure, it’s important to understand and implement FIPS compliance requirements to maintain the security and integrity of your data. This commitment helps ensure your operational practices not only meet but exceed the necessary safeguards.

Is TeraBox Safe? Review of Security Measures and User Experience

In a world where videos, images, documents and so on are in abundance, it is not surprising that our gadgets run out of space most times. What is the traditional solution? Get a device with more storage capacity but this is too expensive. Instead look at the attraction of cloud storage solutions such as TeraBox which provides 1TB of virtual space for your digital artifacts.

Creating a Fake IP Address: A Simple Guide for Better Privacy

Practically everyone in today's modern world has access to the internet. However, various types of digital spying and intrusion have become commonplace. Understandably, many people are looking for ways to conceal their IP addresses. Since hackers are breaking into personal and company networks, it is paramount now more than ever to safeguard your privacy.

Securing Your Business With IT Support

Imagine the devastating impact of a cyberattack on your business. Lost data, disrupted operations, and a tarnished reputation the consequences can be crippling. In today's digital age, where cybercrime is on the rise, businesses of all sizes are vulnerable. Fortunately, there's a reliable partner in your fight for security: IT support. A robust IT support team goes beyond fixing technical hiccups; they serve as your digital shield, helping to secure your business and safeguard your sensitive information.

Puppet Delivers Secure Infrastructure Automation Required for a New Operating Reality

Puppet by Perforce today announced a significant enhancement to the capabilities of its commercial offering with the addition of new security, compliance, and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) capabilities.

Completely Digitizing Your Company: Areas to Consider

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, digitization is not just an option but a necessity for companies looking to remain competitive and efficient. Completely digitizing your company involves integrating digital technologies into all areas of your business, to change how you operate and deliver value to customers. Here are key areas to consider when embarking on a comprehensive digital transformation.

Is NordVPN Really the Top VPN?

In the recent years where online security became the top priority, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) emerged as the essential tools for internet users' everyday use. Among the multiple options available, NordVPN often appears at the top of many recommendation lists and affiliate or review websites. This article examines whether NordVPN truly deserves its reputation as the leading VPN service provider. Let's dive right into it.