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Cribl Collaborates with Microsoft: Empowering Enterprises to Strengthen their Security Operations

As the cybersecurity landscape becomes more and more complex. It seems like we hear about a major breach of a different company every day. Enterprises are looking for robust solutions to help them manage the surge in data and security incidents. That’s why our recent collaboration announcement with Microsoft means so much to us. It’s not just a piece of paper; it’s a testament to our dedication to providing customers with the best tools and solutions for the job.

Tech Headaches Begone: 7 Insider Tips for Effortless Business IT Solutions

In this digital age, having efficient business IT solutions is paramount to ensure seamless operations. However, navigating through the complex IT realm can be overwhelming. Fortunately, you can rise above the challenge through business IT solutions catering to your business's specific needs. This article lists seven insider tips to help you achieve effortless business IT solutions.

Feature Friday #8: bundlesequence

Ever want to run just a one or a few select bundles from your policy? While developing policy it’s common to run cf-agent -KI so that you can quickly iterate on changes and the run the policy without locks. But if you are focused on select bundles you may not need the full policy to run, you can use the --bundlesequence option to specify one or more bundles overriding the bundlesequence defined in body common control. Let’s check out an example using the Masterfiles Policy Framework (MPF).

Why an Observability Pipeline is a Must Have for Security

Security is paramount for almost any sized organization. With the rapid pace of technological advancements and the increasing reliance on digital infrastructure, organizations face an ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats and risks. Protecting sensitive data, intellectual property, and customer information is no longer optional; it is a critical component of maintaining trust and credibility in the marketplace.

Identity Governance in Cribl.Cloud

This blog post explores Cribl.Cloud‘s approach to Identity Governance (IG), a crucial strategy for securing access to critical systems and data. Learn how Cribl.Cloud leverages IG to ensure security, compliance, efficiency, and customer trust, while also tackling the challenges of managing custom SaaS APIs within an IG framework.

When Your Open Source Turns to the Dark Side

Not that long ago, in a galaxy that isn’t remotely far away, a disturbance in the open source world was felt with wide-ranging reverberations. Imagine waking up one morning to find out that your beloved open source tool, which lies at the heart of your system, is being relicensed. What does it mean? Can you still use it as before? Could the new license be infectious and require you to open source your own business logic? This doom’s day nightmare scenario isn’t hypothetical.

World Password Day: 5 Best Practices for Password Management

In a world where data carries such huge importance, safeguarding sensitive information is critical for all organizations. In our current landscape, where cyber threats lurk around every corner, passwords serve as the frontline defense, shielding both MSPs and their customers from potential breaches and data compromises. World Password Day, is the perfect opportunity for MSPs emphasize the importance of robust password management to their customers.

Your Guide to Selecting the Ideal Fence Kit

Outdoor space is personal in the matters of privacy, security, and aesthetic appeal, only if you have chosen the right fence. Whether your purpose is to seclude your backyard oasis, protect a pool, or just keep your pets out of harm's way, it all starts with picking the perfect fence kit. This guide delves into the nuances of choosing a fence that not only meets your needs but also complements your space.

The State of the Industry With Security Expert Matt Johansen

In this livestream, I talked to security expert Matt Johansen, a computer security veteran who has helped defend everyone from startups to the largest financial companies in the world. We talked about the current state of cybersecurity, why attacks are on the rise, and what can be done to prevent threats in the future. Matt’s blog covers the latest news in cybersecurity and also touches on mental health and personal growth for tech professionals.

Transforming Cybersecurity with AWS Graviton

Meet a cutting-edge SaaS platform revolutionizing cybersecurity operations with advanced AI and automation. With the expert support of 2bcloud, recognized under the AWS Graviton Service Delivery Program, the company has enhanced security infrastructures by optimizing MITRE ATT&CK coverage and revealing hidden detection gaps.