
Boston, MA, USA
  |  By Dotan Horovits
Troubleshooting within Kubernetes environments can be a daunting task. If we could only have a magical artificial intelligence advisor that could gather all the data about what goes on the system, and tell me what’s wrong, and even how to solve it. Wouldn’t it be nice? K8sGPT is a young open source project that uses generative AI to give Kubernetes superpowers to everyone. It recently turned a year old, and is now part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).
  |  By Jake O'Donnell
In technology, having “modern” capabilities is standard. Staying ahead of the curve is critical, and keeping outdated technology or processes going can be a recipe for disaster in a complex, ever-changing landscape. Ensuring the smooth functioning and performance of software systems is paramount. This is where modern observability—a sophisticated approach to monitoring and understanding the inner workings of applications and infrastructure—is required.
  |  By Jake O'Donnell
Observability isn’t new. But organizations are struggling to adopt mature observability practices, and the impact on business is palpable. Organizations are seeing the value of observability for their applications and infrastructure—the results of our 2024 Observability Pulse survey of 500 global IT professionals reflects that across the board.
  |  By Dotan Horovits
Not that long ago, in a galaxy that isn’t remotely far away, a disturbance in the open source world was felt with wide-ranging reverberations. Imagine waking up one morning to find out that your beloved open source tool, which lies at the heart of your system, is being relicensed. What does it mean? Can you still use it as before? Could the new license be infectious and require you to open source your own business logic? This doom’s day nightmare scenario isn’t hypothetical.
  |  By Dotan Horovits
KubeCon Europe 2024 in Paris was the biggest event of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) to date. With over 12,000 participants, it was a monumental event, setting the stage for the latest trends and developments in cloud-native computing. As your loyal CNCF Ambassador, I’m here to share some of the important updates you don’t want to miss. I also invited fellow CNCF Ambassador Thomas Schuetz to join me with his own insights.
  |  By Jake O'Donnell
Without a doubt, you’ve heard about the persistent talent gap that has troubled the technology sector in recent years. It’s a problem that isn’t going away, plaguing everyone from engineering teams to IT security pros, and if you work in the industry today you’ve likely experienced it somewhere within your own teams. Despite major changes in the tech landscape, it is clear that organizations are still having significant difficulty keeping their technical talent in-house.
  |  By Adam Cazes
Despite advances in the world of observability, log management hasn’t evolved much in recent years. Users are familiar with the experience of Kibana or OpenSearch Dashboards (OSD), but those don’t always meet modern use cases. Logz.io is ready to change the conversation with the introduction of Explore, the new path forward for Log Management for users of the Logz.io Open 360™ observability platform.
  |  By Israel Efrati
In the dynamic world of container orchestration, Kubernetes stands out as the undisputed champion, empowering organizations to scale and deploy applications seamlessly. Yet, as the deployment scope increases, so do the associated Kubernetes workload costs, and the need for effective resource capacity planning becomes more critical than ever. When dealing with containers and Kubernetes you can find yourself facing multiple challenges that can affect your cluster stability and your business performance.
  |  By Jake O'Donnell
Every software-driven business strives for optimum performance and user experience. Observability—which allows engineering and IT Ops teams to understand the internal state of their cloud applications and infrastructure based on available telemetry data —has emerged as a crucial practice to help engage this process. For years, application performance monitoring (APM) was the de facto practice and tooling that organizations have used to keep tabs on their critical systems.
  |  By Jake O'Donnell
Data volumes are soaring. Environments are increasingly intricate. The risk of applications and systems encountering breakdowns is sky-high, and the mean time to recovery (MTTR) for production incidents is moving in the wrong direction. Disruptions not only jeopardize critical infrastructure but also have a direct impact on the bottom line of organizations. Swift recovery of affected services becomes paramount, as it directly correlates with business continuity and resilience.
  |  By logz.io
Watch this Logz.io and the Azure Cloud team webinar to learn about the Logz.io Azure Marketplace native integration. More specifically, about: Collecting logs from Azure resources or applications in minutes with Logz.io — all within the Azure Portal. Integrate Logz.io with Active Directory SSO for access control. Collect their logs through a new “pay for what you use” pricing model — rather than committing to log volumes and plans upfront.
  |  By logz.io
Azure users can now deploy the Logz.io platform directly from the Azure Console with the click of a button. The seamless integration between Azure and Logz.io delivers visibility and monitoring for enterprise organizations developing applications on Azure, providing the specific information needed to streamline code development and achieve business agility.
  |  By logz.io
Logz.io recently announced General Availability for Prometheus-as-a-service. In this webinar, we’ll help Prometheus users understand the advantages of offloading Prometheus metrics storage to Logz.io, as well as unifying metrics alongside logs and traces.
  |  By logz.io
Logz.io Infrastructure Monitoring delivers Prometheus-as-a-service, which centralizes your Prometheus metrics on Logz.io’s scalable cloud platform for storage and analysis and unifies your metrics with logs and traces.
  |  By logz.io
The latest cloud security news from top security professionals.
  |  By logz.io
Logz.io Distributed Tracing provides Jaeger, a quickly growing open source tracing tool, as a managed service.

Logz.io is an AI-powered log analysis platform that offers the open source ELK Stack as a enterprise-grade cloud service with machine learning technology. Our platform uses AI and and machine-learning algorithms to help DevOps engineers, system administrators, and developers to find critical events in the volumes of information that are now constantly generated in IT environments.

Created by a Check Point veteran and a former algorithm engineer for the Israeli military, the enterprise-grade, cloud platform is built on top of the ELK Stack and provides real-time access to data insights based on the collaborative knowledge of IT executives throughout the world. The ELK Stack -- Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana -- is the world’s most popular open-source log analytics software stack.