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Machine Learning

Coralogix - On-Demand Webinar: Drive DevOps with Machine Learning

DevOps has become the de facto method of developing and maintaining software, but it comes with its own challenges. Keeping track of change in a complex, fluid environment is a serious hurdle to overcome. In this webinar, we explained how machine learning can be employed within a DevOps team to improve operational performance, optimize mean time to recovery and create a better service for your customers.

AI Chihuahua! Part I: Why Machine Learning is Dogged by Failure and Delays

AI is everywhere. Except in many enterprises. Going from a prototype to production is perilous when it comes to machine learning: most initiatives fail, and for the few models that are ever deployed, it takes many months to do so. While AI has the potential to transform and boost businesses, the reality for many companies is that machine learning only ever drips red ink on the balance sheet.

Threat Hunting With ML: Another Reason to SMLE

Security is an essential part of any modern IT foundation, whether in smaller shops or at enterprise-scale. It used to be sufficient to implement rules-based software to defend against malicious actors, but those malicious actors are not standing still. Just as every aspect of IT has become more sophisticated, attackers have continued to innovate as well. Building more and more rules-based software to detect security events means you are always one step behind in an unsustainable fight.

Creating a Fraud Risk Scoring Model Leveraging Data Pipelines and Machine Learning with Splunk

According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, the money lost by businesses to fraudsters amounts to over $3.5 trillion each year. The ACFE's 2016 Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse states that proactive data monitoring and analysis is among the most effective anti-fraud controls.

Levelling up your ITSI Deployment using Machine Learning

Here at Splunk we’re passionate about helping our customers get as much value from their data as possible. Recently Lila Fridley has written about how to select the best workflow for applying machine learning and Vinay Sridhar has provided an example of anomaly detection in SMLE.

AI in telecom: an overview for data scientists

I have seen many junior data scientists and machine learning engineers start a new job or a consulting engagement for a telecom company coming from different industries and thinking that it’s yet another project like many others. What they usually don’t know is that “It’s a trap!”. I spent several years forging telecom data into valuable insights, and looking back, there are a couple of things I would have loved to know at the beginning of my journey.

Machine Learning Applications for Data Center Management

The data center is a remarkably complex structure. However, they are crucial to the everyday running of even the smallest businesses and enterprises. Whether in-house, cloud, or hybrid, the average data center management requires specialist knowledge and meticulous oversight for max efficiency. That is one reason, at least, why machine learning is emerging as an ideal partner for centers of the future.

Dissecting the need for ethical AI

Until recently, topics like data ethics and ethics in AI were limited to academic circles and non-profit organizations rallying for citizen data rights. Fast forward to 2020, and the scenario is very different; AI ethics has become a mainstream topic that's a top priority for big organizations. With data collection and processing capabilities growing by the day, it's become easier than ever to train machine learning (ML) models on this collected data. However, organizations have come to realize that, without building transparency, explainability, and impartiality into their AI models, they're likely to do more harm than good to their business. This podcast will explore why ethical AI is the need of the hour, and what key factors AI leaders should consider before implementing AI in their organization's ecosystem.

Machine Learning Guide: Choosing the Right Workflow

Machine learning (ML) and analytics make data actionable. Without it, data remains an untapped resource until a person (or an intelligent algorithm) analyzes that data to find insights relevant to addressing a business problem. For example, amidst a network outage crisis a historical database of network log records is useless without analysis. Resolving the issue requires an analyst to search the database, apply application logic, and manually identify the triggering series of events.