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April 2023

How Cloud Native Can Reduce the Cost of Machine Learning

As engineers, we tend to pride ourselves on building a production-first mindset and operational excellence. According to a recent survey, 74% of executives believe that AI will deliver more efficient business processes, while 55% think that AI will help develop new business models and create new products and services. However, the reality is that 85% of ML projects fail to deliver, and 53% of machine learning prototypes don't make it to production.

Coralogix Deep Dive - ML Driven Log Clustering with Loggregation

Coralogix Loggregation turns millions of log documents into a handful of templates, which are logs that are structurally similar. Loggregation will analyze both the fields in a log document and the structure of the message field, to find variables and constants. Loggregation enables engineers to prioritize their time and focus on the logs that are having the biggest impact on their system. Cut through the noise and get right to the detail, with Loggregation.

Creating AWS email templates with Handlebars.js and MJML

In the next two posts (maybe more) I'll share how we have developed elmah.io's email templates currently sent out using Amazon Web Services (AWS). This first post will introduce template development using MJML and Handlebars.js. In the next post, I'll explain the process of building them on Azure DevOps and deploying them to AWS.

Revolutionizing the Job Search: A closer look at Lensa's innovative platform

It's never a good time to be looking for a job. But if you are in that unenviable position, the good news is that, in today's labor market, the chances of you landing a good job - one you like and can excel in - have never been better.

Four Challenges for ML data pipeline

Data pipelines are the backbone of Machine Learning projects. They are responsible for collecting, storing, and processing the data that is used to train and deploy machine learning models. Without a data pipeline, it would be very difficult to manage the large amounts of data that are required for machine learning projects.

Adaptive AI in 2023: Components, Use Cases, Ethics & Potential of Adaptive AI

AI is no longer optional for most businesses — and it’s far from a differentiating factor. In fact, researchers found that over 95% of companies have AI initiatives underway. To get ahead of the competition, leaders need to: Adaptive artificial intelligence (AI) is the next generation of AI systems. It has the ability to adjust its code for real-world changes, even when the coders didn’t know or anticipate these changes when they wrote the code.