
Scottsdale, AZ, USA
  |  By Allison Wheeler
Picture this: you’re working on a big project with tight deadlines, juggling multiple pull requests, and just when you think you’re getting ahead, you hit a merge conflict that throws everything into chaos. Your inbox is flooded with GitHub notifications, you’ve lost track of which issues are the most urgent, and the code review feedback is as clear as mud. Sound familiar? Well, you’re not alone.
  |  By Fisher
Writing optimal code is crucial for developers, and human collaboration is key to achieving this. Code review tools are essential for maintaining the integrity of well-built products, which are vital for software development. We are a team of developers that love building tools that optimize our worlds. As engineers, designers and product managers, we identified many challenges in standard Git workflows that inhibited us from working more effectively together.
  |  By Matt Johnston
TL;DR: GitKraken acquires CodeSee and launches the unified GitKraken DevEx Platform, enhancing workflows across all major development environments and setting new standards in developer tools. Dive in to discover our powerful new features and how they contribute to simplifying your coding life. Almost a decade ago, we introduced GitKraken Client with a clear mission: make Git simpler for developers.
  |  By Allison Wheeler
When you’re working on a complex project, keeping track of all the who’s, what’s, and when’s of code changes can be a daunting task. From deciphering the origins of a specific line to understanding the entire journey your project has undergone through its various stages of development, the challenges can be numerous and nuanced – especially for devs working on large teams.
  |  By Allison Wheeler
Code reviews can quickly become code catch-ups – you’re sifting through countless commits, trying to understand the story behind a particular piece of code. Who made this change? When was this pushed? Which files were modified? These blockers can make code reviews feel like wasted time digging through the project’s commit history. That’s where GitLens comes into play, providing powerful Git functionalities right into VS Code.
  |  By Allison Wheeler
Programming is an art and a science, and while we often focus on things like performance and integrations, there’s something just as crucial that deserves our attention – aesthetics. Okay, maybe not just as crucial. But, how our tools look and feel can enhance productivity and comfort. Customizing Visual Studio Code (VS Code) themes are just one of the many ways you can add some personal flair to your everyday code editor.
  |  By Allison Wheeler
When it comes to welcoming new developers into a team, a well-thought-out onboarding process is key. It all starts with setting clear goals and expectations right out of the gate, helping everyone understand their role and how it fits into the bigger picture of the company’s objectives. This, paired with a structured training program, can blend the often confusing process of learning the ropes with actual hands-on experience.
  |  By Allison Wheeler
To-do lists. Time tracking. Automation. Scripting. Making your cup of coffee in the morning. These are just a few of the hundreds of add-ons available for teams using Jira on the Atlassian marketplace (okay, maybe not the coffee one yet. Get on it, AI). With such a vast array of tools at their disposal, development teams can customize their Jira experience to fit their unique needs, enhancing productivity and efficiency.
  |  By Allison Wheeler
With more developers working remotely, traditional code reviews have begun to shift. Classic water cooler conversations have turned into pings on Slack, and collaborative office spaces have transformed into stand-alone home setups. Remote work clearly has many advantages, but it can also leave developers feeling isolated. Asynchronous communication introduces massive bottlenecks for efficient feedback and creative brainstorming, particularly during code reviews.
  |  By Njong Emy
For developers, streamlining your workflow while coding in a distraction-free and conducive environment is of utmost importance. This is why most developers go for workspaces that can provide most, if not all, the tools and services they need in one place. Less context switching means minimal distractions, hence, more productivity. GitLens is a Git extension for VS Code that provides valuable insights into code authorship and unlocks the full power of Git within VS Code.
  |  By GitKraken
Learn GitLens with this comprehensive tutorial. Discover how to use GitLens rich set of features to enhance your IDE in Visual Studio Code. Perfect for beginners and experienced users alike, this GitLens tutorial is your expert guide to mastering this essential tool. GitLens supercharges the Git capabilities built into VS Code. Whether you’re a seasoned Git developer or just getting started, GitLens makes it easier, safer and faster to leverage the full power of Git. This GitLens tutorial will show you how to use GitLens in VS Code and get the most out of the tool.
  |  By GitKraken
Launchpad keeps you focused on what matters most, with options to pin important action items and snooze things that aren't pressing. Discover the in's and out's of Launchpad TODAY in our free Workshop at 12pm ET – it's not too late to register!
  |  By GitKraken
After squashing commits and rebasing in Part 1, it's time to dive deeper into GitHub Flow with GitKraken Desktop! Learn how to resolve conflicts efficiently and keep your branches in sync using the conflict resolution graph.
  |  By GitKraken
Set up your Git Integration for Jira successfully! This GitKraken workshop explores best practices for setting up and maintaining integrations between Git and Jira. The session covers workflows for both Jira Data Center and Jira Cloud, highlighting important considerations for pre-planning, configuration, and troubleshooting common issues. Discover tips to optimize integrations for large numbers of repositories, avoid rate limiting, leverage GitKraken's features for more efficient workflows, and more.
  |  By GitKraken
The cmgriffing "Dev Team" walks through how to use Code Suggest to collaborate on code review for a pull request in whatever part of the GitKraken DevEx platform you prefer.
  |  By GitKraken
Tired of tedious, disjointed code reviews? Code Suggest is here to help! Now, you can make suggested changes on your favorite editor – including Neovim, VS Code, and more – to simplify the review process. This is just example of someone on our "Dev Team" collaborating on a pull request with Code Suggest, making the review process smoother and more efficient for everyone involved. Check out the full demo here on YouTube!
  |  By GitKraken
Squash commits and rebase effectively in GitKraken Desktop. Whether you’re into drag-and-drop or keyboard shortcuts, there are several ways to keep your commit history clean!
  |  By GitKraken
If you work with large files like images or other binary files, LFS is your BFF! Unlike regular commits that create complete copies of binary files, LFS helps keep your repo lean and fast. No more major drags when cloning!
  |  By GitKraken
If your preferred Git branching strategy is Git Flow, then setting it up in GitKraken Desktop is a breeze! Git Flow offers a standardized approach with well-defined rules for branching and merging.
  |  By GitKraken
TL;DR, we're breaking it down function by function to ensure smooth transitions and uninterrupted workflows.

GitKraken is on a mission to make Git easier, safer and more powerful across multiple surfaces and environments that development teams use.

Over 10 million developers from more than 100,000 organizations worldwide rely on GitKraken to get their work done. Since 2014, we've been rapidly developing the legendary cross-platform tools while reimagining an intuitive, visual approach to Git. Our team is dedicated to making tools that help software developers be more productive using Git, it's truly our passion. We develop software that's in use by the world's most elite companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and thousands of other leading organizations.

We Make Git Tools Devs Love.