
Manchester, UK
  |  By David Benson
System monitoring can be viewed as being closely related to infrastructure monitoring, but there are differences between the two concepts, particularly with their scopes within the realm of IT monitoring. Infrastructure monitoring concentrates on monitoring the physical and virtual components of an IT environment, such as servers, networks, storage systems, and cloud services.
  |  By Eleanor Bennett
If you're pursuing a role that requires extensive knowledge of OpenSearch, it’s crucial to prepare in advance. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide an extensive list of the most frequently asked interview questions about OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards, complete with detailed answers.
  |  By David Benson
To assist you in comprehending the extensive advantages of SaaS log management for your organisation, we will define what SaaS log management is and outline the leading use cases that can benefit streamlining your operations.
  |  By David Benson
OpenSearch has grown to be one of the most widely used open-source search engine projects. The high flexibility of the solution enables it to be the perfect option for a broad range of use cases, such as log and event data analysis, application monitoring and metrics analysis, and security information and event management (SIEM).
  |  By David Benson
This guide offers a deep dive into server uptime monitoring, focusing on the strategies and tools essential for seasoned IT professionals to implement. We’ll explore advanced metrics, fine-tune the deployment of tools like Heartbeat, and dissect integration practices with the ELK stack. Designed for technical leaders who manage complex infrastructures, this guide aims to enhance your methodologies in maintaining high availability and optimizing operational performance across your server ecosystems.
  |  By David Benson
The main objective of the ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana) is to aggregate logs. However, with the increased usage of ELK and Kubernetes as a pairing the solution can go beyond the aggregation of standard logs and include monitoring and analysis of Kubernetes telemetry data. Therefore, more users are looking at deploying the ELK stack on Kubernetes. Yet, deploying the ELK stack on Kubernetes can be a complex task but with the assistance of Helm charts, the process is much simpler.
  |  By David Benson
OpenSearch is an open-source distributed search and analytics engine created for scalability, performance, and ease of use. It is built on Apache Lucene and is a fork of Elasticsearch, designed in response to concerns about Elastic's decision to move away from open-source licensing for certain features in Elasticsearch and Kibana.
  |  By David Benson
The ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana) stack’s main objective is to aggregate logs, but the vastly popular open-source project has numerous uses alongside aggregating logs. ELK can easily integrate with Kubernetes and is a common solution that enables users to gather, store, and examine Kubernetes telemetry data. However, with the continual rise of micro-service architecture, users are searching for an improved method of aggregating and searching through logs for debugging purposes.
  |  By David Benson
Redis, which stands for remote dictionary server, is an open-source, in-memory data structure store that is commonly used as a database, cache, and message broker. Utilizing Redis provides numerous benefits for your team and organization, which have helped drive the tool's increase in popularity. A key example of this is speed, Redis works primarily in memory, making it particularly fast for data operations.
  |  By David Benson
The ELK Stack combines three tools, Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana into a complete solution that numerous organizations and teams utilize. Mastering a new tool or process can be challenging enough but learning three at once, including how these three tools interact with each other, is particularly difficult. However, to ease the learning process, there are numerous training courses and certifications for the ELK stack to help you deeply grasp how it operates and how it can be best utilized.

Logit is an ISO 27001 certified centralised logging and metrics management company. We solve complex problems for many FTSE 100, Fortune 500 and other fast-growing clients alike. Our platform delivers you with a fully customised log and metrics solution based on Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana which is scalable, secure and compliant.

Logit also provides you with a high level view of the health and performance of applications and services across the organisation. Rationalise applications and confidently migrate to multi-cloud and hybrid cloud faster, with full support for AWS, Azure, GCP and on-premise.

Logit is a cloud native solution that scales on demand, allowing you to rapidly provision as many production-ready ELK stacks as required. All your stacks are isolated and can be individually managed, with the flexibility of defining teams and roles per stack. Each Logit ELK stack has its own dedicated resources, featuring highly available Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana and more.