
Mountain View, CA, USA
  |  By Kostis Kapelonis
In our big guide for Kubernetes deployments, we explained the benefits of using dynamic environments for testing. The general idea is that each developer gets a preview environment instead of having a fixed number of testing/QA environments. The environment gets created on the fly when you open a pull request. Typically, it gets destroyed when you merge the pull request (or after a specific amount of time).
  |  By Idan Arbel
Have you ever found yourself wrestling with the complexities of managing ArgoCD applications across multiple environments? Are you constantly juggling naming conventions and struggling to correlate applications representing the same microservice or product? If you’ve been deep in the trenches of GitOps, you’ve likely encountered these challenges firsthand.
  |  By Kostis Kapelonis
In the previous article of the series we explained how to model GitOps environments and promote an application between them. That article was laser-focused on a single application and its Kubernetes resources. In this article we will zoom out to look at several related subjects: It is worth mentioning that as always, our advice is a general recommendation that follows best practices.
  |  By Ilia Medvedev
Deploying software to your internal systems or sending releases to external customers is a process that ideally follows strong security requirements in an end-to-end manner. In a perfect world, every software release should come with at least the following guarantees In the world of CI/CD we are mostly interested in binary artifacts and how they were created all the way from the initial release up until they reach production.
  |  By Dan Garfield
In September 2023, security researchers from KTrust reported three issues through the official Argo CD security disclosure channels in accordance with Argo CD security policy. In coordination with other Argo maintainers, we have issued security updates for both Argo CD and Codefresh GitOps (enterprise Argo). Below you can read more about these CVEs, their impact, and mitigation.
  |  By Luke Goodfellow
The security and storage of secrets is one of the most controversial subjects when it comes to GitOps deployments. Some teams want to go “by the book” and use Git as the storage medium (in an encrypted form of course) while others accept the fact that secrets must be handled in a different way (outside of GitOps). There is no right or wrong answer here and depending on the organization requirements, either solution might be a great fit.
  |  By Raziel Tabib
Today marks an important milestone as Codefresh joins forces with Octopus Deploy, a leading player in the Continuous Delivery space. For those less familiar with Octopus, they have been at the forefront of delivering cutting-edge Continuous Delivery for VMs, Windows, and recently stepped into Kubernetes as well.
  |  By Francisco Cocozza
The customer in question is one of the world’s leading providers of technology and telecommunication services. In this guide, we will share how one of their teams migrated from a traditional CI solution to a powerful Internal Developer Portal using Codefresh and Port.
  |  By Alex Aladov
This article is part of our series “Codefresh in the Wild” which shows how we picked public open-source projects and deployed them to Kubernetes with our own pipelines. We will use several tools such as GitHub, Docker, Codefresh, Argo CD, Kubernetes. This guide chronicles how we integrated all those tools together in order to build an end-to-end Kubernetes deployment workflow.
  |  By Luke Goodfellow
This article is part of our series “Codefresh in the Wild” which shows how we picked public open-source projects and deployed them to Kubernetes with our own pipelines. This week’s pick is starbase-80, a Kubernetes “homepage” application. We will use various tools such as GitHub, Docker, AWS, Codefresh, Argo CD, Terraform. This article chronicles how we integrated all those tools together in order to build an end-to-end deployment workflow.
  |  By Codefresh
I am Paul O’Reilly, the Global Customer Advocate here at Codefresh. Join me to meet all sorts of awesome people as we explore topics around Tech, DevOps, AI, Argo and others! During this session we are live with Nathen Harvey, DORA Lead and Developer Advocate at Google Cloud, discussing all things DORA Metrics. Here are the resources mentioned in the webinar: Thank you for watching!
  |  By Codefresh
🚨 Merging to Main is back with a new host! 🚨 Let's welcome Paul O'Reilly 🎉 and follow along on his journey of exploring topics around Tech, DevOps, AI, Argo and others, with all sorts of awesome people from all around the globe! 🌎 During this session we have Codefresh's Chief Open Source Officer, Dan Garfield joining Paul live to talk about all things Ethics & AI.
  |  By Codefresh
Introducing Products – a new way to manage applications across environments using GitOps and Argo.
  |  By Codefresh
Language specific companies used to be the norm because of the complexities of switching programming languages between projects and toolsets. In the last decade the entire market has shifted towards “use the best language for the job” which means achieving efficient Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) needs to be more than just language agnostic, it needs to be language empowering.
  |  By Codefresh
Are you trying to balance your CI/CD resources and effort between Kubernetes and your legacy tech? Don't know how to encourage adoption of the new processes? On this episode of Merging to Main, we'll cover just that. This episodes guest is Mark Panthofer, VP of DevOps & Cloud at nvisia and, during this session, Brandon and Mark discuss how your CI/CD can coexist between two distinct technology worlds.
  |  By Codefresh
Kit Merker is the one of the original product managers for Kubernetes and now Chief Growth Officer at Nobl9 where they're delivering a new open standard called OpenSlo. SLOs, or service-level-objectives, provide a framework for understanding performance targets and making judgements about software changes and how they impact uptime. But it's not just a standard, it's also code. Come find out about it with Kit in this GitOps the Planet!
  |  By Codefresh
Kat Cosgrove's (@Dixie3Flatline) unique mix of wit and technical acumen has made her one of the most influential thought leaders in DevOps. She recently gave a number of talks focused on the history and evolution of CI/CD, how it started, and how it's changing. In this GitOps the Planet we'll dive into that history along with how GitOps is changing the automation game once again.
  |  By Codefresh
GitOps has been at the forefront of agile deployments. However, managing these deployments at a scale, with a constantly growing number of environments can be a daunting task for startups. In this webinar, Ovais Tariq, Co-Founder and CEO, and Robert Barabas, Founding Engineer share how Tigris addressed some of these challenges with the help of Codefresh's Hosted ArgoCD!
  |  By Codefresh
Feature Flagging comes with many benefits, like testing new features in a live environment without exposing them to all users, rolling back changes quickly if something goes wrong, and helping isolate the feature development process from deployment so you can better manage your dev cycles. Like everything in the CI/CD world, all features and tools require careful consideration. You want to avoid creating additional tech debt and complicating your codebase, and you certainly want to avoid introducing unnecessary work to a likely already overworked team.
  |  By Codefresh
The first real application for AI and LLMs has come to Kubernetes in the form of K8sGPT, a cli that can be used to help operators understand exactly what's going on with their clusters. Our guest, Alex Jones, is the creator of K8sGPT and we'll talk about how the project started, where it's seeing the biggest uses, and where AI will impact DevOps in the future. Don't miss this revolutionary GitOps the Planet!
  |  By Codefresh
Technology moves fast. If your current CI/CD is not up to speed, set yourself up for success and ensure your next choice supports these valuable features including: You're in Good Company This FREE Guide will help you discover the most important features any CI/CD tool should have.
  |  By Codefresh
This FREE guide highlights the downside to not deploying as often as possible.
  |  By Codefresh
Get the FREE ebook to see if your CICD measures up.

Codefresh has everything you need to build, integrate, and deploy your product — without the slow build times, complicated setup, and restrictions.

Each step in a Codefresh CI/CD pipeline is its own container, enabling unparalleled speed, modularity, and flexibilty. And with our built-in steps library, you can create a full-fledged pipeline in minutes. From performing a canary release in Kubernetes to building an iOS app, you can create a pipeline that does just about anything in minutes.

Run your builds in a fraction of the time:

  • Built for speed and scalability: Codefresh is designed to be the fastest CI/CD platform available. It’s built on Kubernetes for fast speed and unlimited scalability. It’s time to say goodbye to slow, frustrating builds.
  • Advanced Distributed Caching: Thanks to our smart docker image layer caching, an embedded registry, and a shared persistent volume, Codefresh caches images, layers, source code, dependencies, and more—and they’re distributed across all nodes used in any pipeline. Your builds are about to be faster than ever.
  • Parallel steps and pipelines: Create steps that run in parallel, with powerful features that allow you to explicitly define step order, mix and match sequential and parallel steps, set up prerequisite success criteria for parallel steps, and more.

Codefresh helps you build powerful, fast, and simple CI/CD pipelines.