
Stevenage, UK
  |  By Emma Stewart-Oram
Earlier this year, Mark Boost and Dinesh Majrekar had the chance to sit down with Solomon Hykes at Navigate North America 2024 to speak about his thoughts on the future of tech. Solomon is best known as the Founder, former Chief Technology Officer, and Chief Architect of Docker, and is currently the founder of Dagger, a programmable CI/CD engine that runs pipelines in containers, allowing development in various programming languages and execution across diverse environments.
  |  By Kunal Kushwaha
Kubernetes 1.30, the latest release from the Kubernetes project, introduces several significant updates that enhance the orchestration capabilities of the platform. This release continues the trend of evolving Kubernetes into a more robust, scalable, and secure system for managing containerized applications across diverse environments. Below, we delve into the key updates in Kubernetes 1.30.
  |  By Josh Mesout
Civo is excited to announce more information on our high-performance cloud GPUs, tailored for machine learning, scientific computing, and generative AI. It’s designed to streamline your project from start to finish, all with just a few clicks. But, what really sets our service apart?
  |  By Mark Boost
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is investigating the state of the UK cloud market, and for good reason. While the submissions and commentary already submitted to the CMA point to various concerning practices, one issue stands out as the single biggest threat to a healthy, competitive landscape: excessive free cloud credits. This tactic, employed by the dominant hyperscalers (AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform), is akin to a drug dealer offering free samples.
  |  By Mark Boost
Today, at Civo, we announced the complete removal of all egress fees, without caveats. Regardless of whether you stay with Civo, or look to move to another provider. Why have we done this? Our decision to remove egress fees is rooted from the original promise of cloud computing: flexibility and freedom. It embodies the ability to tap into virtually limitless computing resources on demand, without being tethered to rigid, on-premises infrastructure.
  |  By Josh Mesout
🚨 To read the full findings from this research, visit The Machine Learning State of Play 2024 white paper. Are the challenges of deploying machine learning (ML) overshadowing its true potential in the modern workplace? Through our recent white paper , we spoke to 500+ developers who have experience working with ML systems to gain an understanding of the pain points faced by developers when using ML solutions.
  |  By Mark Boost
In November 2023, the technology landscape witnessed a monumental shift with Broadcom's acquisition of VMware for $69 billion. This strategic move not only redefines the contours of IT and cloud computing but also signifies a new era for the new giant. Broadcom's leap towards subscription-based services and hybrid cloud environments echoes a broader industry evolution towards more flexible, service-oriented architectures.
  |  By Jubril Oyetunji
If you've ever delved into the intricacies of PC building or taken your first steps in an introductory Computer Science class, chances are you've encountered the ubiquitous term – GPU. For many gaming enthusiasts, myself included, GPUs are the magic component that gives you more frames in your favorite FPS game, while CPUs are the component where our code finds its execution space.
  |  By Mark Boost
I am excited to share the news that Civo has acquired Kubefirst, the renowned open-source GitOps powered platform for Kubernetes, as part of our commitment at Civo to simplify cloud computing complexities. This acquisition aims to drive synergies between Civo and Kubefirst, fostering enhanced product offerings and innovation in the cloud computing space. Together, this partnership will allow us to continue expanding our capabilities and enhance the services offered to our community.
  |  By Civo Team
From the announcement of our first tech event, Civo Navigate, to building a machine learning landscape, 2023 has been an incredible year for Civo. Last year enabled us to shift our focus towards community engagement, product enhancements, and sustainability, allowing us to foster a more robust, inclusive, and environmentally conscious technology ecosystem. Let’s take a look back at the incredible work the team has been working on over the past year and what we can expect to see in 2024.
  |  By Civo
Join Prabhat Sharma, founder of Open Observe, as he delves into the realm of high-performance observability. Learn about the challenges faced by cloud workloads and explore innovative solutions to enhance observability at the edge, in servers, and across cloud environments. Prabhat shares his journey from addressing persistent problems with existing solutions to building Open Observe, an open-source platform revolutionizing logs, metrics, traces, and dashboards. Gain valuable insights into the power of Apache Arrow Data Fusion in optimizing data storage and analytics performance.
  |  By Civo
Join Sudhir Singh, co-founder and COO of Cloud Builders, as he delves into the essentials of observability in the cloud-native landscape. In this session, Sudhir explores the advantages of implementing OpenTelemetry over traditional monitoring tools and vendor-specific solutions. Discover why OpenTelemetry is crucial for gaining comprehensive insights into your applications and infrastructure, learn about its role in enhancing system health monitoring, and understand its impact on mitigating potential incidents before they escalate.
  |  By Civo
Dive deep into the realm of zero downtime live migration for stateful workloads on Kubernetes! Join Shivansh Vij, founder of Loophole Labs, as they unravel the secrets behind migrating applications like Redis and Postgres across nodes, regions, and continents without a second of downtime. Explore groundbreaking techniques, challenge traditional cloud limitations, and witness live demos that showcase this innovative approach in action.
  |  By Civo
Join us in this step-by-step tutorial as we guide you through the seamless migration of your VMware instances to Civo's cloud platform with our new VMware Importer Tool. From verifying your current VMware's functionality to the final connection checks on Civo, we cover everything you need to ensure a smooth transition.
  |  By Civo
Join Aakansha Priyaa at Civo Navigate as she delves into the topic of unconscious bias within cloud native communities. Through personal anecdotes and practical examples, this presentation sheds light on the subtle biases that permeate the tech industry and provides strategies for creating a more inclusive workplace.
  |  By Civo
Join Kunal at Civo Navigate in Texas, USA, as he dives into the world of platform engineering.
  |  By Civo
Join Dwayne McDaniel as he discusses the challenges and essentials of effective cybersecurity, highlighting the impact of bad security practices, the benefits of robust security measures, and the importance of community collaboration. This talk explores practical insights on improving security protocols, leveraging community knowledge, and the significant role of automation in ensuring safe, uninterrupted digital environments.
  |  By Civo
Explore the essentials of Kubernetes management with Tony Pope-Cruz from @dynatrace in this detailed walkthrough. Understand how to avoid common pitfalls in Kubernetes deployments, such as mismanagement of resources that can lead to significant outages. Gain insights into how service meshes provide robust solutions for traffic management, service reliability, and observability.
  |  By Civo
Dive into the world of Kubernetes with the co-founders of @kubefirst John Dietz and Jared Edwards, as they provide an insightful live demonstration of their cutting-edge project. Watch as they navigate through real-time challenges, explain the integration of GitOps, and highlight the capabilities of KubeFirst using tools like k3d, Linkerd, and Argo CD. Don't miss out on learning from their vast experience in cloud and platform building.
  |  By Civo
Join Marc Boorshtein, CTO of Tremolo Security and Kubernetes expert, as he explores how to secure Kubernetes dashboards effectively in a command line-centric setup. From discussing the advantages of dashboards to unveiling critical security practices, Marc offers a comprehensive guide to safeguarding your Kubernetes environment.

Building the #1 cloud hosting platform for developers. Superfast, scalable cloud servers with a developer-friendly API – moulded and shaped by our community.

Civo’s vision is simple. To create a flexible cloud platform created by developers, for developers. We think you should spend less of your time managing environments and hosting platforms, and more time coding – after all, that’s what we always wanted.

Built by developers, for developers:

  • Clean REST API: Manage your cloud instances with ease and streamline your deploys with our clean, custom-built REST API.
  • Lightning speed: Set up instances in seconds and get incredible performance with the latest hardware and blazing fast network.
  • Community driven: Our community of users are at the heart of everything we do and their feedback shapes the evolution of the Civo cloud.

Join Civo today spin up your first instance in seconds.